High School

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We progress through Junior High then go onto High School.We're closer than ever! We're getting on so well. One day,it was a few years into High School, Austin is singing in his room and I walk in and listen to his beautiful voice. I notice he's singing towards a camera.I wait till he stops singing and then he says to the camera 'Thanks guys, hope you like it!' and shuts the camera off. He hugs me. 'What was that about?' I ask. 'Well you know how you asked me a few weeks ago,what I wanted to do with my life and I said I didn't know?'He asks. We came on to the topic when he walked in on me dancing and I told him I wanted to dance.I nod my head. 'Well I wanna be a singer so I'm putting videos on YouTube!'He says. 'Oh that's so cool!'I say. 'And if my dream comes true then maybe when I make music videos, I can put you in then!'He says, smiling. 'Maybe.'I say.We talk about school while he edits his video and uploads it to YouTube.'Right that's it uploading.' Austin says. 'Cool.'I say. 'Wanna go for a walk?'He asks. 'Sure!' I say.He grabs his jacket and swings it on.He grabs his beanie and flips it onto his perfect little head....FLISS SNAP OUT OF IT.....YOU DONT LOVE HIM!!! 'What?'Austin says. 'Did I just say that out loud?'I ask. He nods.I look down embarrassed. 'What do you mean?'He asks. I keep my eyes on the floor.Austin puts his fingers under my chin and brings my eyes up to meet his.He looks at me worriedly. 'It's nothing.'I say,quietly.I can't believe I said that out loud.Austin takes my hand and we walk downstairs and out the door.We walk to a park nearby. We sit on the swings in silence....which Austin breaks. 'Wanna go get ice cream?'He asks. I shake my head.'What's wrong?'He asks. 'I'm just not feeling well,I think I'm gonna go home.'I say, getting up. Austin stands up too. 'I'll walk you home.'He says. 'No it's fine,I can go myself.'I say. 'Are you sure?'He asks. I nod. 'Well,text me when you get home.' He says,as he hugs me. I walk home but I didn't text him. I went to bed. Later that night,Austin turns up at the house making sure I'm okay. The next day at school, I tried hiding from him but he made sure he found me and never left my side. The next few weeks were the same and he'd walk me home every night.He said he had a surprise for me one night.So I went to his house. He opened his laptop.His YouTube channel was open. He clicked his latest video and my mouth dropped when I saw the views. He laughed. 'Austin that's a lot of views.' He laughs again. I looked at the time. 'I gotta go!'I say. 'What's wrong?'He asks. 'I've got my dancing exam tomorrow so I need to practice!'I say. 'Practice here.'He says. 'Well I do have my dancing shoes so why not?'I say, taking my dancing shoes out my bag. As I dance,Austin smiles at me the whole time.The next day at my dancing exam, I dance my routine and wait for my result. The judge calls me over. 'I think that was spectacular, I see big things for you!' He hands me a card with a number on it. 'Give me a call and we can schedule you to dance for some stars!'He says. I smile and run off to tell Austin. I run up to the changing room and change. I grab my bag and run to my locker. I hold my results sheet tightly and run up the hall to where Austin hangs with his crew. 'AUSTIN!' I shout as I see him. He smiles at me arms open.I run into them,smiling. 'I DID IT! THE GUY GAVE ME HIS NUMBER HE WANTS ME TO DANCE FOR CELEBRITIES!' I practically shout. Austin lifts me up, spinning me round. 'I knew you would!' He says. 'Now we gotta get you a record deal and we're all set!' I say. And just a few weeks later, Austin was signed. He was over the moon and so was I. We were gonna have the best time together....or so I thought.....

Austin Mahone My Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora