I love you too

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The day came for Austin to leave.He asked me over to say goodbye. We stood in his empty room.He wrapped me in a hug. 'I got you a present!'I say. I hand him a gift bag.He takes out the picture that's in it.'The picture from the first day we met.'I say. 'Where did you get this?I thought only Ms Jennifer had this?'He asks. 'She did! I told her you were moving to Miami and asked for it! I also made a copy for myself and Ms Jennifer has a copy too, but I thought you might like the original.' I say. 'I love it. And I also want to give you this.'He says,handing me his red SnapBack. 'Your red SnapBack?!?!But that's your favorite SnapBack?'I say, in shock. 'I know but I can get another.'He says and pulls me back into a hug. 'Austin, it's time to go!'His mom shouts up to him. 'Just a sec mom!' He shouts back. 'Austin, I need to tell you something.' I say. 'What is it?'He asks. 'Well umm I love you.I always have.When we met that day I knew that you were special and we'd be best friends forever.But as we got older and we went to Junior High ... I realized that second I felt your arms go around me in the hallway on the first day. That I was in love with you!'I say. 'Really?'He asks. I nod. 'I always loved you too since that day!'He says 'Really?'I ask. 'Yeah!'He says. We smile at each other and then kiss. Unfortunately, Austin still has to move to Miami but at least we know we both feel the same. A few months later,I decide to persue my dream futher as a dancer and go to a dance academy in London,where my big sister Taylor is.She has a boyfriend there who Austin knows and gets on well with. And a few weeks after I moved to London,Taylor's boyfriend Sam proposed. Austin came down for the wedding and he was the best man and I was the maid of honor. After I graduated high school, I moved to Miami to be with Austin and right now I think we're doing alright,him a singer, me studying to be a dancer.

Hey guys listen I'm thinking of ending the story here but I don't know so plz let me know what you think!

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