6 Months Old

51 1 0

Fliss' P.O.V.
I'm constantly watching Lilly all the time as she's rolling around all the time and keeps bumping into things. She's starting to eat solids too but makes a mess. Austin helps out a lot too. I love my life right now. Right now, Austin is bouncing Lilly about the room to get her to stop crying. We fed her 45 minutes ago, changed her diaper 20 minutes ago and we've burped her and everything but she won't stop crying. He tries soothing her but nothing's working, he tries giving Lilly her dummy but she just spits it out. 'That's it! I'm calling the doctor!' Austin announces. He hands Lilly to me as I try to calm her. He pull out his phone and calls the doctor.
'Hello, this is Austin Mahone, my daughter Lilly won't stop crying and I'm worried something's wrong with her. I fed her 45 minutes ago, changed her diaper 20 minutes ago, I burped her and rocked her and not even her dummy is helping her. I tried putting her down for a nap but she just keeps screaming.' Austin explains. 'Okay, I'll bring her down right now.' He says before hanging up. 'The doctor wants to see her immediately.' he says. I stand up with Lilly and Austin grabs her car seat. He grabs his car keys and heads outside to put her car seat in the car while I grab her hoodie. I slip it on to her and zip it up. I walk out to the car and Austin takes Lil from me and buckles her into her car seat then we get into the car. We drive down to doctors and soon enough the doctor comes out and we take Lilly into the room and she starts looking over Lilly. 'Ah yes. Little Lilly is teething. She has 4 teeth coming in. 2 at the front on the bottom and 1 each at the back on the bottom too. I'll give her some syrup for it just now and you's can give her it every 4 hours.' Lilly takes the syrup no bother and 10 minutes later on the way home, she stops crying and soon falls asleep. I look behind me and smile at my sleeping angel then turn back around and smile at Austin who's smiles back at me and entwines our hands before turning his eyes back to the road. 'Do you know how much I love you?' Austin asks. 'Of course and I love you just as much.' I say. 'I love our daughter.' he says. 'As do I.' I say. 'I love our little family and I love our life!' He says. 'Austin, what's going on?' I ask, curiously. 'Nothing.' he says. But I know he's lying. I stare at him. 'Okay.'
He sighs. 'My manager called me this morning.' Austin starts. 'He's booked me a European tour.' he says. 'What?!' I ask. 'I'm sorry! I know you need help with Lilly but he's already told my fans that tickets go on sale this Friday! I can't exactly cancel now!' He says. 'How long for?' I ask. Austin doesn't respond. 'How long, Austin?!' I demand. '6 months.' He mutters. '6 months?' I ask, sounding weak. I feel as though my heart just shattered. 'I'm sorry babe. Are you mad?' He asks. 'Mad? I....don't know how to answer that.' I say. The rest of the day, Austim tried talking to me but in all honesty, I have nothing to say to him. His tour starts in 1 month which means unless he can get a few days off, a month before the end of his tour, he's going to miss his daughter's birthday. Something I could not forgive him for. Not for a very long time at least.
The next day, Austin keeps trying to talk to me but I keep telling him, I have nothing to say to him. This makes him upset and slightly angry. He eventually just hugs me tightly telling me he loves me before walking away. I can't stay too mad at him forever so I pull him back for a cuddle before me, him and Lilly watch a family movie together. We spend the whole entire day, watching movies....Maybe things will be okay after all. I hope so.....

Here you go guys. Shortish I know. Sorry. The next chapter will probably be the last. Don't know what else to write so will probably just end it. I'll do a future chapter then just end it I think. I seem to do that in all my stories. I do a future chapter then end it. Well I just enjoy that sort of thing. I enjoy reading it so I write it too. Love you's!

Austin Mahone My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now