thinking about mythical creatures

Start from the beginning

Matt's pov
Something was wrong with S her happy personality had gone down the drain, she would smile but the smile never reached her eyes, I will find out what happened and I will fix it, crystal thinks I didn't see how she quietly snuck to sit down, and I knew she was thinking about the same thing.

Robert pov
My siblings think I didn't notice their movement and their subtleeness, they think I didn't notice how Sophie was acting but I did, I knew something was wrong and I had to fix it.

Sophia pov

Crystal called mee to the room to ask if something was wrong,  but I Sophia who has mastered the act of lying said and I quote ' no, nothing is wrong' and thank God she believed .

My sister said we should make a bet on something and we made the bet she said that I should go to school and kiss the firstt guy I saw tomorrow morning in school  or else I would have to go to a party on Friday and I can bring my friends too , for company and I should not even think of lying cause she is dropping me at school first  thing  tomorrow and that she did.

Next day

Today was horrible,  now I have to go to that freaking party, could you guys who the first  guy I saw was , it was blaze freaking starr, and I knew I could never kiss him, so I went back out and told my sister, must I go to the party, and she said ' you accepted the dare so you have to face the consequences ' sometimes she is a pan in the ass no kidding, but I knew I loved her .

Now, I have to attend a party tomorrow, why God why and we all know that question would never get answered but you can't blame a girl for asking .

I gave blaze my address before school started so that we could meet up at my house then I went to our lockers to meet up with my friends before class started , I asked them if they could come with me to a party, you guys couldn't guess  what they did .

They freaking took my temperature to see if I had a fever, and they saw that I didn't have a fever even though I had been telling them that like a thousand times , but they only listened to the god damned thermometer.

They accepted, so I called my sis and told her and she told me she is bringing a friend too and that I should tell her friends that they were going shopping.

They finished school and then went shopping for their dresses, shoes and accessories,

I reached the house around 4:40 pm i had exactly 20 mins before blaze  would arrive, i had a 15 minute bath and then put on her underwear.

I was looking for my clothes so  I was still in my undies I bent down to pick up my top and leggings when I heard a growl, next thing I know I was pinned to the wall by someone, I looked up and it was blaze in all his fudging glory.

His eyes darkened and anyone could tell there was lust in his eyes and that's when I was brought back to the world and how I was in such an intimate situation/position with blaze in just her undies.

I tried leave his hold even though i didn't want to but all i got from him was 'you are mine'.

I told him to go, that they had work to do until finally he agreed to let me go an change I ran to the bathroom with my clothes in my hand and changed quickly and then we started working anyone who entered the room would know there was sexual tension and itn was thick enough to be cut by a knife , he left an hour later, I went to have dinner, read my books and then went to bed after I finished my work.

Blaze pov
I woke up early today so I went to school early and then first person I saw was my mate she was beautiful, immediately she saw me she got wide eyed and went to a person that I noticed from somewhere but I am not sure where.

She came back later on and gave me her address , then she went to her friends, she told them something and they all but quietly asked if she had a fever in which marcus wanted to know the well being of  our mate but then our mate said no, but they still got a thermometer to check her temperature which they said she was ok, then she call rd someone, then went to class.

I saw her entering the same car that dropped her with her friends.

Earlier this morning I got a call from crystal,  she asked me to come to this party, so that I could help  stay with her sister , because crystal was a sucker for parties and she didn't want to leave her sister alone in a party , I agreed because crystal Is the elder  sister I never had.

I reached my mate house by 4:55 pm I saw a girl around 14 and she said third room second floor , I entered the room and saw my mate  in only her undies and my wolf was about to lose it, immediately my mate bent down to pick her clothes my wolf lost it and I pinned her to the wall , then I noticed the intimacy,  but I didn't care, she kept on trying to get out of my hold but I was lost in her eyes and all i told her was you are mine , until I finally snapped out of it and let her go.

She went to go change , I entered her room and I saw wolves, legend , Athena and all other mythical creatures,  I saw a sketch book,  and wri then in there she wrote  if i was a wolf, she drew a wolf with white fur, and streaks  of  pink on it's fur and purple paws, if I was a legen, she drew her with white wings with streaks of purple and pink, and if I was a godess, i would be just like athena.

She came out some minutes later and there was way too much sexual tension, than I could handle.

After an hour I left to tend to some alpha duties and dreamt of a certain red head.

Hi it's icecreamhon, I made this chapter long , and I am working on the trailer of the book, the next chapter is about the character and their creature.
Mi  trailer above

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