charts and awkward silences

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I and Jason had to leave when  the evening was young because of the schools queen bee laura, she is so mean , the first thing she did was to insult me and I hate it, I just felt like slapping her but I won't, because I value the little safety I have left, it is very special , I don't want to have a worse spot than I am in, I may be in column 5 in the chart but it is good enough.


Column 1 : popular kids

Column 2 : 2nd group of popular kids

Column 3 : wannabe popular kids

Column 4 : nerds and geeks

Column 5 : bullied for bullying sake

Column 6 : talked back to the populars and the populars turned their life into hell.

Technically there is no one in column 6 cause no one in my school has the guts to speak back to the populars, so yeah, some talk in school in school is that one time Lucas went to a teacher and gave the teacher his signature glare and smirk and the teacher peed his pants, the next day the teacher had left , the teacher gave his resignation letter to the principal and left the school, but in a way I am happy cause that was my worst teacher and this is coming from a nerd , so yeah that is what happened.

While I and Jason were on our way to our homes there was an awkward silence if you count out Santa baby by ariana grande playing on the radio, I attempted to break the silence but it did not work I asked him if he was going to school and he said yes.

Time passed and before I knew it , i was at my house we said our goodbyes and I went into my house and put on my pajamas and binged on netflix to like 11 pm , I closed my laptop and charged it and I went to lie down on ,y bed and I fell asleep in ...

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Time passed and before I knew it , i was at my house we said our goodbyes and I went into my house and put on my pajamas and binged on netflix to like 11 pm , I closed my laptop and charged it and I went to lie down on ,y bed and I fell asleep in no time.

Time passed and before I knew it , i was at my house we said our goodbyes and I went into my house and put on my pajamas and binged on netflix to like 11 pm , I closed my laptop and charged it and I went to lie down on ,y bed and I fell asleep in ...

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Hi y'all love you more than everything, hope you like this chapter.

Hi y'all love you more than everything, hope you like this chapter

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