sophia meets jason

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After math class I was happy ,I got hundred percent In my test and I hope mom would be home so I could tell her the good news but I doubt it .

I was lost I'm my thoughts when I saw him Jason riley the new kid he was good looking with his blonde hair slightly messy and him sticking it back with his hand he was tall and dark about 6'2 feet and that was quite tall for me who is just 5'6feet.

He was wearing a short sleeved shirt he was was really hot. his coming was all the the Buzz so the whole school was crowding around especially the coo because he was good looking and a jock.

I had my next period as English and as i was walking to my class I felt an arm on my shoulder ,I was startled and when I turned I saw him he looked better up close I was staring for what seemed like forever until he finally waved his hand in front of me to get my attention and I said ooh sorry you tapped me .

He said oh yeah i just wanted to ask you where Mr donalds' class is
I said donalds class is english class and I also have mr donalds class So let me show you there.

When we got to Mr donalds , we were five minutes late probably due to the fact that I was staring at him for so long.

As we were going to the available sit In the back I saw girls sending me death glares.

While Mr Donald was busy teaching away we were getting to know each other better, we were talking about random stuff .

And when class was over he pulled me back and said since he was new in town maybe i could show him around like a a tour of the city and then he asked if i was free on saturday.

I hesitated and said yes, then gave me his number and he said i should text him my address on Saturday and we said bye.

I was at home thinking about what i should wear i can not wear a skirt because it was kind of windy so I chose a blue trouser and a top that wrote interesting on it.

I called Jason and gave him my address to pick me up , he picked me up he was wearing short trouser and a sleeveless top.

I told him we were going to the park first to lighten his mood ,because he seemed a little anxious and nervous at the same time.

We went to the park and saw a little bench , we sat down and watched people walking their pets, kids playing games, a little girl was reading a book.

I asked the girl what her name was she said laura, I asked if i could read her book and she promptly aloud me .

I went to meet Jason who I saw playing fetch with one young boy's dog, I said let's go to the next place on our list the town mall,we need to be fast to get there it tends to cause traffic and you should have pocket money to buy some stuff.

We reached the mall around 1 pm , we saw the stalls , shops which by the way were glamtastic ,i took him to the sports area , he looked around and saw the sport shoes ,if i had not gotten his attention he might've fallen down flat on the floor.

Jason bought lots of sport things as I went to the girls side to buy some bangles and anklet  , when I went back to the store i didn't see Jason anywhere I looked for him for a while and saw him coming my way , he reached me and said he was hungry he was searching the mall for fast food .

We went to a fast food shop and had fries with extra crispy chicken and when we finished we went to different interesting place .

Jason took me back home and on the doorstep he gave me a necklace ,it was so pretty I thanked him for it I said I would meet him at school on Monday and we said goodbye.

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