my friends are back

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Buzz buzz buzz

My alarm clock was blaring like a trumpet horn in a military cabin , it was so loud and I may or may not have broken it out of my SDA (Sleep Deprived Anger) it is a real thing well not in the Oxford dictionary but to me it is .

I saw my screen screen wallpaper which is actually a sarcastic comment, it says I became so religious that I could pray for you to burn in hell.
Authors note, get it hahaha, well my pointless sarcasm.

I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

There goes my ringtone , I pick the call and I get the best news ever my best friends that makes us the quad friends are coming back their names are: tracey, luciana and bella.

Tracey: she is the shy one , she loves fangirling and talks way to much about boy bands she is the daughter of the most renowned technology businessman but she does not use it to make people subdue or now to her , she tries to make people not know about it and she only uses it to save me , like when I am bullied. She has a gpa of 4.6

Pic of Tracey

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Pic of Tracey

Luciana : the smartest, overthinker beautiful, bookworm has a girly side to her, her favourite place is the library,  which is surprisingly where we met she loves icecream, has the highest gpa in the state with 5.0, daughter of a wealthy entrepreneur.

Pic of Luciana

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Pic of Luciana

Bella: t gpa of 4.8, wants to go to yale, loves drawing and singing and acting part time job in Wal-Mart even though her dad is a multimillionaire she loves living free and being happy with no chains , she hates being called cute even though she is., her parents are the owners of a petroleum company.

, her parents are the owners of a petroleum company

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Pic of bella

Sophia : free born, happy even though I am bullied , love dancing,  singing , acting basically anything that has to do with art especially diy , diy takes almost all the space on my phone I do not care what i put on, my parents are partners with Bella parents company so we are multimillionaire rich to, but we do not show it , I have a gpa of 4.9 in the state.

9 in the state

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Pic of lina.

I can not wait to go to school, wait what did I just say now that sounds somehow coming out from my mouth but I can not wait.




I am so happy right now.


Hi it is ICECREAMHON hope you enjoyed this chapter this is just telling you about lina's friends.

I have a question, vanilla icecream or strawberry icecream.

, you know the drill





love ya

I love sarcastic quotes so I want to put one.


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Bye , you are great people.

Follow me on instagram, I am  (icecreamhoney336_)

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