CH42: past, present and future.

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Grey POV:

I woke up on my own, which would have been a nice change from Ahri's teasing... If I had woken up in our room.

I found my self on a cold stone floor, the sound of dripping water and dangling chains can be heard.

Grey: (groan) where am I?

I got up and saw that I was in some kind of dungeon, the ceiling had chains dangling from it and there was also...

Grey: is... that a Bonfire?

It was, in the middle of the dungeon was a lit Bonfire, I also noticed a figure sitting at the far end of the dungeon.

I couldn't clearly see them, but i can tell it's a man, the only thing he was wearing was a tattered pants.

I was about to approach him but then he slowly stood up and turned around facing the wall.

To my shock, he raised his left hand and started punching the wall with all his might.

He looked like he was truly trying to break the wall, the only thing I can see happening is his hand starting to get bloody.

Grey: hey I think you should-

If I wasn't surprised with what he was doing, then I was definitely surprised when I heard the sound of shattering stone.

He kept on punching and after a few more strikes the wall crumbled, behind it was a dark cavern... no... an Abyss.

The man walked into it, the darkness started surrounding him and then I couldn't see him anymore.

After a few seconds of silence I started hearing an inhuman growl and many red glowing eyes.

I then heard a deep demonic voice.

???: the Embers left by us lords... your judgement is coming, and then we'll see if you're worthy to ignite a new age of fire.

I heard a roar and saw a giant hand coming down on me.

In reality:

I just woke up a little shocked, this time in Ahri's bed and I was slightly sweating.

I saw Ahri sleeping and cuddling to whatever stuffed toy she got her hands on.

It was quite early and she looked peaceful so I decided to not wake her up, I got out of the bed and went to the living room.

I was the first to wake up apparently, Silver was still asleep on the couch, I sat besides him and started thinking about that dream.

I'm no fool, any Abyss watcher would know where and what that was.

I was in the Oolacile dungeon... and I just saw how it all began...... those fools who unleashed the rage of primeval man.

But what I'm thinking about is what he said, I don't know what it means, but it can't be good.

Grey: (heavy sigh) great... now I wish I did wake up to Ahri's teasing.

Third POV: time skip

Ahri woke up in her bed... alone, she realized that Grey must have woken up first.

It was a little unusual, but she didn't think much of it and went through her morning routine.

Once she got to the living room, was surprised, not seeing Grey sitting on the couch, what surprised her was seeing him holding a glass cup with a pot in front of him.

Ahri: morning Grey.

Grey: oh... morning Ahri.

Ahri: what's wrong?

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