The Trash Pack

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When they arrived at school the front was packed as always. Pushing into the crowd was Dora, who was wearing sunglasses and colorful plastic beads around her neck.

"Aye!" She said pointing in 2 separate directions,"Where were you guys yesterday? Everybody was saying that y'all was dead or abducted,"

"We just skipped school for the day," Ball said simply.
"..Rad," Dora said giving them finger guns.
"Me and Ball have to talk in private for a moment," The other David said.
"That's cool. Just don't be late," Dora said letting them go.

They walked up to a nearby stairwell and went to the 2nd floor's platform. Nobody was supposed to be heading to homeroom yet, so the stairwell was out of use for the moment. The other David took a deep breath, and faced Ball.

"A handshake right?" The other David squatted and held out his hand.

"No, a milkshake," David's soul said holding out Ball's foot. They made contact and then shook. David found himself suddenly shaking nothing though, as Ball's legs and face had vanished.

Uh? What's going on? He thought.

David was having trouble syncing both his soul's experiences, and his body's. It was making him dizzy, and sounds fuzzy... and heartbeat speedy....... and visuals... a little too dark.

Ball awoke someplace different than David collapsed. It was dark, and a little chilly. Stomping around the place was active, but it seemed to be for no reason.

Is there a bunch of people squashing bugs around me?

Unfortunately David hadn't woken up like Ball had. He just sat like a cold headache in the back of her mind.

Ball sat up, and looked around. She was wearing sunglasses which she promptly took off. She did so a little too forcefully. The nose and ears it was sitting on, was not her cup of tea.

Oh yeah, I'm in David's body now.

This wasn't what she had wanted, but she now understood why David felt so uncomfortable in her silent body. David's body had things constantly working about it, creating a lot more feeling and noise. A heartbeat and the rise and fall of her chest were things that most bothered her.

Around the area people were indeed stomping their feet around, but to a song Ball could barely hear. The DJ was broadcasting music into the dancers headphones, and they were dancing in the school's secret basement.

Ball tilted forward still in the sitting position, and then jumped up on her feet to stand. On the jumping part she put her arms out to balance.


She didn't know what to do with them, so she put them behind her back like Johnson often did.

Dora walked over to her from the DJ table she had been sitting at.

"Are you alright? You were knocked out cold in the stairwell. What happened?" Dora asked.

Ball didn't know why, but Dora's presence was a little irritating to her.

"What's going on here!?" Ball asked using David's voice.
"We are having a 'just cause' party, duh! Also, a thank you would be nice," Dora said.
"Yeah whatever," Ball said impulsively.

Dora rolled her eyes.

Why am I feeling so annoyed?

Ball began to remember a time when David was trapped in a coffin sized box for about 3 hours.

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