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After the 404 people came and took both David and Agren into their care, Ball was once again without a shadow. Dora's voice up above directed her to Oscar's art class. He would be her shadow now. Ball knocked the door to the classroom.

"Come on in! It's a studio day today!" The teacher practically sang. She was putting together a large sketch. Ball kept on knocking, but it became slower because she started to knock with her head. Oscar was skeptical, but after a while he realized why the person on the other side could not open the door.

The lad went over to the door and opened it. He looked down at a very distraught Ball.

"Ball? What's the matter? I've never seen you look so sad," Oscar asked.

"David is in the hospital. He is not waking up. His bodily fluids were leaking from his nose," She said quietly. Ball illustrated a nose bleed by putting her foot up to her face and gliding It down, "His fight with Agren had turned, sour..."

"Oh dear. Well I'm sure he'll be okay. We just have to think positive!" Oscar said. Ball nodded slowly. The 2 walked into class, one slightly more solemn than the other.

"I expect that you can not bring the dead back to life," Ball said.

"Who can?" Oscar asked.

"... I do not know," Ball sighed and lied.

Oscar sat down at his art table, and ball hopped up from a stool an onto the tabletop to sit.

"Heyo! Ball!" 2 students sitting with Oscar said. There was another one, but he just waved.

"Oh, hello?" She was surprised by their enthusiasm.

"I didn't think that you would be in this class with us!" a freshman girl named Kiki said, "We've drawn so much stuff of you," she got out her sketch book and began to go through a flipbook animation of Ball walking.

"I did a little statue of you made of wood..." a timid freshman boy called Ethan took the figure out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

The lad who did not speak, took out a sad painting of Ball made up of mostly blues blacks and white. He pointed to it. Out of all of the works, the painting spoke to Ball the most.

"Thanks..." Ball breathed.

"What's wrong?" Kiki asked.

"My friend is in danger..." Ball said.

"David got beat up near the lunch bathrooms," Oscar explained.

"You mean the aw seriously kid?" Kiki asked.

Oscar nodded.

"What... what can we do?" Ethan asked.

"I am not sure. Are you educated in any medical field?" Ball asked.

"No," Kiki and Ethan said. The speechless lad shook his head.

"Oh..." Ball looked over to the speechless lad, "Do you? Not talk?"

"His name's Robey (Row-bee) And he, he doesn't, can't... talk," Ethan said timidly.

Robey pointed to Ethan and nodded, agreeing with him.

"Can not talk?" Ball looked back over to Robey. Robey put his pointer finger below his eye and dragged it down imitating the trails of a tear.


"We don't mind. I mean, Robey is one of a kind," Kiki said. Oscar started laughing.

"These are my friends Ball! Luckily we all have art together. We play all sorts of games," he pointed to Kiki.

BFDI: Golf Ball And The Yoyle Humans 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt