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The halls were empty; class was in session. Ball had been counting the bells ever since she had left David. She knew that he was at lunch, which was the last period that she knew he would be at. Unfortunately, the halls seemed unfamiliar to her. She decided the only way to get to the cafeteria was to ask for help. She didn't want to get Rocky out to open a door, so she had to find an already open one.

She could hear students conversing; their sound leaking out from the open door. Ball headed to it, but slowed down when she heard what was being spoken about.

“-It really is strange,” Beta Green, twin sister of Josie said.

“I've like, never been so violated,” Gabby Stück, member of Good Day Bad Day said.

“Same! It was completely out of my control. I couldn't even scream because someone else was doing it for me! Josie says it's probably Ball and Craeggs fault,” Beta said.

“You can't reely be blamin this on Bawl and Craeggs can you? You doin’t even know them. They're new students!” Gracie Tremor, one of the students in Ball’s math class said.

“But who else would be responsible? Ball has only been here for two days and has caused more discord in this school than ever Agren ever has,” Beta said.

“Hey! Don't go bashing on my brother!” a young middle school girl named Kristina Vostok said. She had snuck in this study hall under his watch, but he wasn't currently in the room.

“I'm shire we can boish on your brother if yoir brother can boish on the whole doirn school! Brokin doi ze lurf!!” Gracie said. Ball didn't understand her last few Yoyel words. At this point she had completely stopped walking to listen.

“Yeah, do you like, even know what he does around here? He's such a brute. His illegal muscle for hire service has like, drawn in all the hate of this school into a ugly force,” Gabby said.

“Whatever… he keeps me safe!” Kristina said.

“Froim what? Himself?” Gracie said.

“From aliens! That… sound that happened got him worried for me. You shouldn't be so quick to judge my brother,”

“We aren't quick! we've known him since elementary school!” Beta said.

“At least my brother is human! Whatever he does, is not even compareable to the damage done by those freaks up above!” Kristina was becoming whiny.

“Well... she's right about that.... I mean, just look on the news! It's all over Yoyelland! It has to be aliens, it has. to be. Ball!” Beta said. Ball could hear her slap the table while she spoke.

“I hate you, but you're like, starting to sound at least reasonable,” Gabby said.

“You guys coin't be serious! Bawl isn't even an oilen! She's a living object created right here in Yoyellund!” Gracie said.

“That's just what they want you to think,” Beta said, “Besides, all the stuff they say about creating Ball doesn't make any sense. Sentimental value? What a con! And Gracie, didn't you say Ball nor Craeggs was at math class today? And today is the day of the sound. Ya know, we really outta stick to our own if you want to be safe,”

“Ah!” Gracie gasped with disgust, “You Beta, are roilly just starting to soind like your sister! The soind ‘oittack’ as you fellows say, isn't even an attack. If any of you were even listening! It was a croi for help… I think it's sick that you just push it aside as an oittack joist because it made you feel helpless. History-”

“Ok Gracie shut up,” Gabby said bluntly.

Gracie gasped again.

“You know what, you gois are just meanies,” Gracie said. Gabby chuckled at ‘meanies’.

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