Fall Clouds

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A public radio station was on, and tea was hissing. The frantic morning had already begun without her. Ball flipped herself back over and stood up. David wasn't in bed anymore. In fact he was speed walking around the place gathering all of his things. He passed by his room again and then walked back to it when he realized Ball was awake.

“Ball!” He shouted in the doorway.

“Yes,” She responded.

“Thank you for doing my project!” He said he walked over to her, “You did a phenomenal job! And you even printed out these notes for the research I missed! I really appreciate it, I feel like I'm learning about vacuum cleaners just reading this!”

“Oh, you are welcome,” Ball tried to keep herself from smiling, it wasn't working.

“You want breakfast?” David started taking papers from his desk and putting them in a folder.

“Do I want food?” Ball was never hungry. The last, and first thing she ate was a single chip.

“Well, yeah,” David put the folder in his backpack.

“It will be the second time I have eaten, but I will attempt to eat whatever you have in mind,”

“It's eggs. Paps is making eggs,” David said.

The kitchen was also the dining room. Ball looked down at the plate of scrambled eggs she was standing in front of.

“So you live with your grandfather?” Ball said trying to distract from the awkwardness of not exactly knowing how to eat.

“Uh huh. He makes these little 3d printed stuff all the time. My, -my folks aren't around,” David said.

“They disappeared in an airplane,” Ball said.

“Y-yeah,” He wasn't upset, just awkward. He sighed, and began bouncing a tennis ball against the wall.

“Is that why you have so many paper airplanes in your room?” She asked. She was thinking about picking up a fork, but for now she just had her foot nearby it as if she was going to.

“No. I, just like paper airplanes. They're fun to test and make better. I don't have any resentment or sadness towards them because of what happened, if you think that,” David cleared up.

“... Do you mourn?” Ball looked up at him. David took a moment to think while tossing the tennis ball again.

“... Yes,” He said just focusing on the tennis ball.

“Why do you bounce the tennis ball?” Ball asked.

“It's, fun,” It was a stress reliever.

After breakfast the 2 went outside a moderate amount of rain was falling.

“Summer showers,” David said.
The temperature was changing.
The last few days of summer came to a close as winter's shadow: fall, darkened everyone's clothes and put the heat indoors to ‘way too crisp’.

From the summer till these darkening days Ball had managed to keep from being assaulted, as well as make more allies.

Unlike David, Agren had come back from the hospital a few days afterward. It seemed a burden at first, until it was discovered that Agren had begun to avoid David. He would not speak, for he was scared into silence; half of his face covered by a bandanna.

“Why does Agren not bother you anymore?” Ball had asked.

“I'm not sure. I don't remember what happened during our fight,” David had responded.

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