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It was 3 periods later in study hall when they saw the blonde lad again. He looked battered, alone, and falling apart. He had come in late to class. When he slugged over to an empty desk he slumped over and cried. The other students glanced up from their silent work, but ignored him and continued.

"What is wrong with the sobbing one?" Ball whispered. She was sitting on top of her desk next to David.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him?" David said sarcastically. Ball took it seriously and leapt off her desk, "No wait!" He shouted softy, but he was too late.

"Why do you weep?" She asked looking up at his desk. A flash of light emitting from someone's phone taking a photo dashed across the room for a second. The lad looked up from his desk to the direction of the offender.

"Please..." He breathed desperately. He was looking at Josie Green. Josie stuck her tongue out and pretended to cut her head off with her finger. The lad put his face close to his desk and hands, and then begin to weep.

"Hey!" Ball walked up to Josie, "What are you doing!? You are causing him to be sad!" Ball said.

"Pppft! I don't give a dang about how Craeggs feels. I have plenty of reasons for why you probably do. Tell me Ball, who is Craeggs really hmm?" Josie leaned down from her desk tauntingly. Ball looked over to Craeggs and then back to Josie.

"He is a human male," Ball responded. Josie sat back up in her seat and began to howl with laughter.

"You're funny Ball, really, but you can't play me for a fool. I'm always watching and I know... who you are," Josie looked ready to poke her. Ball took a step back, "What? Are you afraid?" She snickered. Somebody from behind picked Ball up. She was startled at first, but it was just David bringing her back to her desk. Once she was on her desk again she flipped herself upside down. She was uncomfortable, and wanted to be held again. She had gotten Johnson to pick her up by flipping herself (a little experiment during the trust exercises).

"What are you doing?" David asked her quietly.

"Uh... Can you hold me again?" She was kinda embarrassed to ask.

David looked away, and then looked back at her.

"Maybe later,"

It was more like a solid no, so Ball flipped herself back on her feet and sat down, "It was nice of you to try and stick up for Craeggs, but he is almost always crying. Ever since he got here, tears all the time. I think maybe his dad died before he moved here or something. It makes him an easy target for bullies. I don't think anyone can help him," David worked on a math sheet as he spoke diligently.

"His dad is dead?"

"It's just a rumour. Nobody really knows him. He doesn't have any friends," David said still looking at his work.

The next period was a math class. Algebra 1 (because David had failed the class once before). Before the teacher was all set, a rather large kid sitting on the other side of Ball greeted her.

"Hey there. You're Ball right? I saw you on the news. I'm Danny Dept. Nice to meet you," He put his hand out for a handshake, but then remembered that Ball didn't have hands, "Oh,"

"No, I got it" She stood up and offered a foot instead. Danny took it and shook, "Nice to make your acquaintance," She liked the proper formality of it. Being formal was actually something she admired about Johnson.

"Guess what we're doing today?" The teacher asked the class as she shut the door and walked in.

"... What?" a single individual actually asked.

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