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Chanwoo walks into a restaurant and oders a bowl of soup.

Then after 10 minutes, his oder arrives.

But then,

Chanwoo : Em waiter..

The waiter : yes sir?

Chanwoo : Can you taste this soup?

The waiter : But sir, i can assure you that the soup is good.

Chanwoo : Dear mr.waiter,i feel much better if you taste my soup first.

The waiter : But i can't.. my boss will fired me !

Chanwoo : Look man. If you don't taste my soup, i'll leave this place without paying.

Then the waiter with a heavy heart,gets closer to the soup. Ready to please the customer.

Suddenly he then stop. Confused.

The waiter : But sir, where is your spoon ?!

Chanwoo :

Chanwoo :

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