Chapter 11

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List of Substitutes:

Y/n = Your name

F/m = Favourite movie


I didn't even wait for the cutscene to finish. My bare feet thumped on the wooden floor as I, once again, launched myself at Daniel. He fell backward onto the bed, holding the phone up as I squealed in delight. "Are you serious? There's no way! How did you even manage!" I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, enjoying the warmth and scent. "I promise that I'll always be here for you. I'll stay by your side, be it virtual or reality." I stared up at him, into his deep blue eyes. They shone. Shone with happiness, love and wonder. He managed to pull himself, and me, up into a sitting position. I was nearly sitting in his lap. He held my phone out in front of him, smiling at it. "Thank you... Daniel..." I trailed off. I couldn't help the smile the crept up. There was nothing I could do to hide my bliss.

However, I nearly squealed when I felt something warm placed upon my cheek. My eyes widened as I managed to comprehend what had happened. Daniel had kissed my cheek. He quickly moved back, beginning to profusely apologise. I shook my head, turning around a little. "It's alright Daniel!" I calmed him down, slowly taking his hand in mine. My cheeks felt scalding hot, but I ignored it. I suddenly leant in, pecking Daniel on the nose. I leant back, giggling as Daniel went cross eyes staring at his nose. While he was distracted, I tore my phone from his hand, stopping the recording. Daniel huffed as I began watching the video back, but peered over my shoulder to watch none-the-less. Daniel had managed to catch everything. My initial leaping, both kisses. I held the phone against my chest, smiling like an idiot. "W-Well? Am I allowed to have a copy?" He asked. I hummed. "Hmm. I guess so... But could you please keep it private... I don't like having my photo taken..." I mumbled. Daniel seemed to understand.

I thought back to what Daniel had claimed earlier. "You said you had been planning this all week? Is that why you were avoiding me?" I asked. Daniel seemed to tense up. "You thought I was avoiding you? I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean for it to look like that! I was just so nervous that I would accidentally say something that would ruin the surprise!" He squeaked. I nodded. I shuffled off the bed, (Or rather Daniels lap) and made my way over to the side of the room. I picked up my school bag, which I had flung across the room when I had gotten home. I sifted through it, pulling out my werewolf book. I grabbed the paper from inside and dropped the book to the floor. I turned back toward Daniel, before second guessing myself. "Hey. Uhm. I want to show you something... Promise you won't laugh?" I asked. He nodded. I walked over, sitting on the edge of my bed. I handed him the paper, where I indicated the little wolf doodle in the corner.

"I drew that in the very first werewolf class I had. I draw them everywhere... But this was the only one I ever coloured." I giggled as Daniel looked at the drawing, then pulled his fringe down in front of his eyes to look at the colour. He caught me trying to stifle my laugh, and smirked. "I'm going to show this to everyone!" He yelled. He got to his feet and bolted out the door. I scrambled to my feet and chased after him.

"DANIEL, GIVE THAT BACK OR SO HELP ME I'LL-" I hissed. Daniel yelped as he leapt over the couch, narrowly avoiding my leap attack. I collapsed on the couch, too tired to continue to give chase.

Daniel eventually gave in, but I let him keep the drawing. We watched (f/m), while my mom stalked us from the kitchen. Daniel eventually had to head home, and I realised FC and Shu would still be waiting for a response.

Of course, I yelled at them for keeping it from me, to which Shu said she had no idea until a few hours ago. Aaron had agreed to help out during the week. I had pestered Daniel, asking how he had managed to get a Promise ring. They were suuuper expensive, and I believed that only one was ever sold per day. He never gave in though, saying he'd never tell. He knew I'd probably get mad. We eventually moved on and played the game, laughing and making jokes, late into the night.

The next day, Daniel and I had a hard time trying to explain to Dottie and Rylan that we were going to Prom together. Neither of us were even old enough. Dottie had squealed for a solid minute, a new record. Rylan was fussing over the fact that we were just going to Prom. I had met up with Aphmau, who invited me over to get ready with her and Katelyn.

There was one small detail that I happened to forget, however.

I never quite told my mom I was going to Prom...

"Hun, you're not old enough to go to Prom. Did they change the rules or something?" I was leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen. My mom was beginning to prepare dinner when I had come in and asked if we could go shopping.

"Well no... Daniel got asked to help out with the werewolves at Prom, and he's allowed to bring someone... So he asked me. Why do you think he came over yesterday?" There was a loud clatter as my mom dropped the tray she was carrying. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER? I would have gotten a photo of you two! Oh, we don't have time to go shopping... Ah! I know! Oh, but I was going to save that! Never mind now!" She hurried off, with me following quickly after. 

Snooter for Love // Daniel x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora