Chapter 1

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List of Substitutes:

Y/n = Your name

H/l = Hair length

H/c = Hair colour

E/c = Eye colour

W/c = wolf ear/tail colour


I stood awkwardly around the corner as I debated whether or not to enter the girl's bathroom. One of my close childhood friends, Kawaii~Chan, was inside, chatting with her newfound friends. I twiddled my thumbs, unsure of whether to go inside and greet her. I had gotten sick, right at the end of the holidays, meaning I had missed the first week of school. I wasn't even sure if Kawaii~Chan knew I had even enrolled here. I wasn't one for talking to new people, so I hadn't made any friends all day.

Perhaps, however, luckily enough for me, I had my first werewolf class of the year. I heard the bell ring, and my decision to enter the bathroom was decided for me. I waited for a second, before dashing off to my locker to grab my books. I paused in front of the windows on the way to class, inspecting my appearance. My (h/l) (h/c) was neatly brushed, with my (w/c) ears and tail neatly groomed. My (skirt/pants) suited me, at least I thought so. My (e/c) eyes seemed to glint in the sunlight that filtered through the window. I let out a sigh, and resumed my walking, dreading each step toward my classroom. If there was anything about werewolves that needed to be known... it was that we were... rough.

As I neared the door, I could hear yelling coming from inside. I slipped beside the door, peering in. It seemed someone was trying to start a fight. I watched as an angry male werewolf stalked toward the back of the room, glaring down at a black haired boy... a seemingly human boy. I stole glances around the room, eyeing the other wolves who seemed to be doing nothing about it. It was to be expected. The human seemed to stay calm as the werewolf, Balto, as I think someone called him, slammed his hand onto the desk. I watched as the human slowly arose to his feet, before swinging one punch at Baltos face. There was a loud crash, and students dove to the side as Balto was sent flying through the window. Some of the students started clapping, begging to surround the boy.

"Why are you standing out here missy?" I jumped as a gruff voice called out from behind me. I watched as an older looking man with wolf ears strode forward. "Sorry! I was just watching the fight!" I nodded my heads towards the door, and the man frowned, sighing as he saw the crowd of students huddled around the broken window. "That's the 3rd one this week... and it's only Monday." He muttered. He strode into class, barking orders at the kids to sit down. I quickly ushered myself in the door but froze nearly two steps in as I realised I had nowhere to sit. I'd have to wait for everyone to sit down... then I'd just be awkwardly standing there. I flicked my gaze around the room, watching as the other kids scrambled toward their seat. There seemed to be an open one toward the back, no one seemed to be heading for it. 

I quickly sprinted for the spot, realising that the boy sitting in the other seat was staring at me as I approached. I reached the table, coming to a stop as I awkwardly shifted my weight. "U-Uhm. Would it be ok-okay if I sat here?" I asked. The boy sitting in the other seat nodded. He had dark green hair, with ears and tail to match. His eyes were a deep blue, with an almost childlike spark in them. I slid into the seat, huffing as I placed my books down and nearly slammed my head on the table. "Hey, I haven't seen you around before, who are you?" I turned my head, allowing my gaze to meet his. "O-Oh. I got sick during the holidays and it ran through the first week of school. So this is technically my first week." I sighed but perked up when the boy smiled. "Sounds rough. I'm Daniel. I'm a sophomore. And over there is Rylan and Dottie. They're my friends!" He looked giddy, talking about them. "I'm (Y/n)... Freshman." I sighed at the term. 'What a way to make me feel small and useless.' "Do you have any friends that go here?" I shook my head. "I-I had one. But I haven't spoken to her yet. I think she already found some friends..." I trailed off. "You can be my Fri-" Daniel began to speak, but was cut off by the teacher slamming the desk. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT. Stop your talking! The class has started, and you've already broken a window! I'll be calling roll, then we'll get to work!" I flattened my ears to my head a little, the loud noise unsettling.

I had gone to quite a small school when I was younger, there were only about 10 other werewolves in the entire school! There were only a few Meifwa as well. So we sort of naturally banded together, At some point, some Meifwa joined our pack, and some werewolves joined the Meifwa. We didn't understand the concept of Alphas back then, and the teachers weren't exactly educated. That's where I met Kawaii~Chan or Nana. When I first met her, she was quite shy. But she warmed up to me soon enough. I was the one who introduced her to the concept of shipping. And that was either the best, or worst decision of my life...

She decided on her persona of 'Kawaii~Chan' about the middle of school. It made me happy to see her so happy, she really enjoyed this hyperactive version of herself. And I saw that things hadn't changed with her.

And yes. I may have been spying on her a little. But I was planning to go and talk to her... but she had all of her new friends around. 

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