Chapter 10

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List of Substitutes:

Y/n = Your name

L/n = Last Name

O/n = Online name


This should be exciting chapter <3

Super proud of how my idea worked!


I sprung from my bed, leaping onto my chair. I pressed the play button, and the screen went black for a split second before the all too familiar opening music blared from my speakers. I selected my character, awaiting my game to load. I spawned in, my character sitting in our guild hall. I paused as I noticed a notification pop up. 

"One new gift from BorkeD – Don't open until the last clue is found"

Last clue? What was he on about? I watched as three more notifications came in,

"Friend Shu is now online"

"Friend FC is now online"

"Friend BorkeD is now online"

I quickly typed out a message. 'Daniel? What do you mean – Don't open until the last clue is found?

'Clue One: The first dungeon we did together' was all I received back. 'Daniel, what are you doing?' I didn't get a reply. So, I decided to follow his hint. I hunted through the list of dungeons until I located the one I want. A level 23 dungeon, area 2, called A Wolfs Word. I had tried messaging Shu and FC, but neither replied. I teleported to the closest town and made my way over. Standing outside was none other than Shu. She did the waving animation, calling me over.

'Clue two: Do fairies have tails? Let's find out.' That could only be one place, the Fairy Tree. It was one of the prettiest places in the games, especially at this time of day. I made my way there, watching the other few players around. I spotted Aarons character standing by the edge of the tree.

'Clue Three: Griffins flight. The guild you named after your favourite place in the game.' He was talking about the Eternal flight range. It's where a range of mythical creatures could be found, and tamed. I had caught the most beautiful Griffin mount there. The sky was always beautiful colours, and the area around it was just so peaceful. It was a high-level area and a secret one at that. I knew exactly where to go. I headed through the all too familiar path that leads out into the grotto. And finally, standing beside his own Griffin mount was BorkeD. I wandered closer to him, unsure of what to expect.

'Clue four: Knock knock.'

Knock knock? What did that even mean?

I wasn't given any time to think about it, as a loud knock sounded from the front door. I heard my mother call me, so I regrettably got up, and hurried downstairs. I made it to the front door, yet paused, my hand's inches away from the doorknob. "Knock Knock... No... he couldn't be..." I mumbled. I slowly reached forward, unlocked the door, and swung it open.

And there stood Daniel. He was standing a few feet from the door, staring at me. The bridge of his nose was a light shade of pink, and I could see his tail wagging. His hands were shoved in his pockets of his orange jacket. He continued to stare, before his shook his head, and took a few steps closer. He gazed up at me, "(Y/n) (L/n)," he paused, "Will... Will you go to Pro-Prom with me?"

I stood in shock. He had done all that, just to ask me to Prom? 

I started to nod my head, before leaping towards him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I managed to knock him over. His arms quickly wrapped around my waist to protect me, and we both fell to the ground. "Yes! Yes yes yes! Of course!" I yelled. Daniel smiled up at me. Our legs were tangled together, and I lay on top of him. He started laughing, full of pure bliss and joy. He pulled me closer, placing his forehead on mine. He was warm to the touch. "I'm so glad you said yes! I was so worried all week that I'd mess something up, or ask you early..." he trailed off. All week? Oh Irene, he'd been planning this all week? I quickly realised I was still on top of him. I quickly slid off, sitting to the side as I began profusely apologising. He assured me it was all right, which is when my mother came to investigate. She called me over and hurried to invite Daniel in. I scurried up to my room, dragging Daniel along with me.

As I entered the room, I realised that I had left the game running... "Of course! The gift!" I let go of Daniel, rushing over to the computer. I read over the messages from FC and Shu.

"FC: Met anyone special yet?

Shu: Maybe got a certain request?

I scoffed, quickly replying to their messages.

(O/n): I'll deal with you two later!

I quickly opened my character's inventory, finding the gift I had received. I looked at Daniel. He was still standing in the doorway, blushing even harder than before. "Ca-Can I?" I gestured toward the screen. He nodded. He strolled into the room, taking a seat on my bed. I hesitated, the cursor hovering over the open button. I turned back to Daniel, quickly getting to my feet and hurrying over. I fumbled with my phone for a second, unlocking it and setting up the camera. "I-I uhm... Do you want to... record my reaction? We didn't get one of your Promposal..." I held my phone out, averting my gaze. I felt my hand become lighter, and I loosened my grip on my phone. I brought my gaze back up. Daniel was smiling, yet he was the one averting his gaze now. "I don't think I could ever forget that moment... But couldn't I just record it on my phone?" He asked. I quickly shook my head. "If it's on my phone, I can say whether or not I look bad! And if I do... Well, you're not ever getting your hands on the video." I giggled as Daniel scoffed playfully. "You're always beautiful, (Y/n)!" He said, nonchalantly as if he always said things like it.

My face was a bright shade of red, I could tell. My hands quickly covered my mouth, which was hanging open in astonishment. Daniel seemed to take a second before he realised he had said that out loud. He fell backward onto the bed, covering his face with his hands. I started laughing, wandering back over to my computer. I sat down, facing the computer. "Alright, I'm gonna open it!" I heard Daniel shuffle around, hearing him get to his feet. I heard the phone make a clicking noise, signalling it was recording. "Okay... phew. Ready?" I asked, more myself than Daniel. I heard him hum in agreement. I clicked the mouse. The screen flashed white, before playing an animation of the gift opening.

But unlike it would have with any other gift, the screen showed my character, standing on a hill, the sky a beautiful sunset. Daniels character, BorkeD, came up beside me. They looked at each other and BorkeD pulled out something gold. The screen changed to a view that allowed me to see what he was holding.

It was a Promise Ring. They were nearly impossible to get, and when gifted to a player, played this cutscene. The player would inscribe a promise in the ring and it stayed as a constant reminder. The ring was attached to the account, and would even transfer between games. But what was most special about it, was that if the player who gifted it to you wasn't online, it would revive you once during battle. As if the strength of their love made sure you would see them again.

Snooter for Love // Daniel x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora