Chapter 10:

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I walked into the chamber where I was holding Elena captive. I walked in, she was walking around, and when I walked in she turned to me, "When are you going to let me out?" she asked.

"Whenever you say I can date Jeremy." I said.

"Why don't you just tourte me?" Elena asked.

"Because, I kind of like you. Your nothing like Kathrine, not evil that is. But you still play with both my brothers feelings." I said to her. After our conversation, I walked back out, "Are you hunrgy?" I asked before leaving.

"Kind of!" Elena answered.

"Human or blood bag?" I asked.

"Blood bag." she answered. I zoomed home and grabbed three blood bags. I zoomed back and threw the blood bags on the ground infront of Elena. Then I zoomed back out, I was walking though the icey streets of Mystic Falls. When someone grabbed my waist and pulled me into an alley way, I could Jeremy.

"Hi." I whispered kissing him.

"Hey, has Elena been spending the night at you guys houses?" Jeremy asked suddenly pulling away from me.

"Uh I don't know.... Why?" I asked.

"Because she hasne't been home." Jeremy said. I pulled him closer and kissed him.

"Jeremy lets stop talking." I whispered. He pushed me away,

"No. I really to talk to you about this." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine lets talk."

"Nevermind. I don't want to talk to you anyways Maryanne." Jeremy said walking away. I screamed and started to run. I was so angry, why did Jeremy care about Elena, she wasen't nice to him. As I was running I ran into non other than Kol. He stopped me in my tracks, my breath was heavy.

"Wh-what are yo-you doing here K-Kol?" I breathed out.

"Calm down Maryanne breath. I'm here to see you, last I heard you died of being burnt. But look at you!" he laughed.

"Yeah, you can thank Elijah." I said.

"Oh how is my older brother? Still digging in your pants." I gave him a dirty look.

"Why did I love you?" I said.

"I don't know? You thought I was a sweet person, and I was nice. Yeah right." he laughed.

"Well if you don't mind moving, I need to go home." I said. He didn't move so I shoved him out of my way, and did my vampire run back to the house. When I slammed the door closed and locked it, I walked into the livingroom to see Stefan, and Damon.

"Maryanne... Where's Elena?" Stefan asked. I rolled my eyes.

"She's fine! I'm not hurting her!" I laughed. I started up to my room, when Damon apperead infront of me.

"Where is she Maryanne?" Damon asked.

"Why do you care Damon? She broke your heart." I said.

"Just tell me Maryanne?" Damon demaned.

"Fine, where did Kathrine take me?" I said. "But good luck, getting her out or yourself out. The charm won't break until she says I can date Jeremy, which may be sooner, because I realize that I don't really like him." I laughed. I walked up to my room, and changed into a pair of pj bottoms, and a long sleeve shirt. I went to the bathroom, to pull my hair up, and as I was walking out I saw someone sitting on my bed. It was Elijah, he looked up at me with a grin on his face. "Why are you here?" I asked rudely.

"To see you of course." he said standing up and moving closer to me. "The Founder's Day Ball is coming up, are you going to save me the last dance?" he asked.

"Well it depends, are you going to never leave again?" I asked getting closer to him, our lips inches apart.

"No, not without you by my side." Elijah said grabbing my hand. Just as we were about to kiss, I turned my head so he was kissing my cheek. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"You have to wait until the Founder's Day Ball..." I smiled. He nodded, and kissed my hand, I felt the burning the sensation in my hand. Then he was gone, I fell on my bed. My head was confused, and my heart was being punched. I wanted to go to sleep, as my eyes grew heavier,I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, Damon was laying next to me, I was on his chest. And Stefan had his arm wrapped around my waist. It was really warm, I looked at them, I remeber when I was younger and our mother had just died, Stefan and Damon would sleep with me to make sure I wouldn't have a nightmare. "Are you okay?" I head Damon whisper.

"Yes." I answered. "Go back to sleep Damon." as did I. When I woke up the next morning, Damon was awake, but still laid there, and Stefan was out like the light.

"Morning." he whispered.

"Yep. I'm going to eat, wanna join?" I asked.

"Nah." Damon said. I jumped up and got dressed into something warm. As I walked outside, I started my stalking. I located a man alone, I followed him into the woods, which I found strang. As I got closer, I was about to bite into his neck, when he spun around and sprayed something into my eyes. It started to burn, and I started to cry. Then he broke my neck, and everything went black.

When I woke up the world was spinning, I sat up and noticed I was in a room. I ran to the door, and of course it wouldn't open and each time I tried to grab the  handle it would burn. Revain, I thought. Just then the door opened, it was the man I stalked earlier. "Morning." he smiled. Before I knew it, he kissed me. His lips were not tasty, and I wanted it to stop. I shoved him with all my stength,

"Get the he-" I was stopped.

"No, no vampire wife!" he smirked.

"What?" I asked.

"Were married. Now change me." he said.

"Then will you realse me?" I asked.

"Yes." he smiled. I bit into my wrist and fed him the blood.

"Now you have to go die and when you wake up you either drink animal blood or human blood." I said. "Just be careful of the sunlight."

"I know. I have something for that." he said. "Break my neck." he demaned. I did as I was told, I was gonna zoom out of there, but I couldn't move when I got to the front door. When I heard him wake up, "I'm going to eat. I'll be back." he grinned running out. I stayed in the house, I wanted to go home and realse Elena and goto the Founder's Day Ball and maybe see Elijah. When the guy returned home, I jumped up.

"Can I go now?" I asked.

"No. Your my wife!"

"But you said!" he cut me off.

"I know what I said!" he laughed.

I ran over to him and grabbed a wooden steak from the table, "I will kill you! If you don't realse me now!" I demaned.

"Do it!" he shouted. Then everything went black again.

Who is this Mstery man who kidnapped Maryanne? I wonder? Will Maryanne fall in love with him or kill him??? Keep reading!!

Maryanne Salvator.(Damon and Stefan's little sister)EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now