Chapter 4:

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My heart started to beat faster, and my breath quickened. As I starred into his brown eyes, "Hi Kol." I started. I saw Damon and Stefan standing by the fireplace both with smirks on their faces. I ran over to them, and grabbed them both by their necks, and said though grinded teeth, "Who the hell invited him here?" I asked.

"I came to see you." Kol said behind me. I let go of Stefan and Damon's neck and turned over to Kol. "I heard you were in town, and I missed you."

"Last I heard about you is that you were locked up in coffin, with a knife in your heart." I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, I've been hurting since I changed you." Kol told me. I rolled my gray eyes and ingored his sweet words. I stayed close to my older brothers, and held both there hands. I was afarid of Kol, I didn't know why, but I was. "Why are you afarid of me Maryanne?" he asked. I swallowed on my words, I turned to Stefan who got infront of me, than Damon who got in front of Stefan.

"Kol, I think its time for you to go now." Damon said. Kol nodded, before he ran out of the room, he set something down on the table. Then he was gone, I walked past my older brothers, and grabbed a letter with my name on it. I opened the slip,

Dear Maryanne,

I've missed you so very much. I just wanted to see you again, I love you Maryanne..

Love Kol.

I starred at the paper, as tears fell from my eyes. When I felt someone grab my shoulder, it was Damon, I shook it off and ran to my room. I fell onto the bed, hurt and anger filled me. Then the door creaked open, I looked up and saw Damon. He was smiling at me, his black hair thick on his head, and his blue eyes filled with pain. I shoved my face back into my pilliow, when I felt my bed move, when I looked up Damon was laying on my bed. "Lay your head on my chest." he whispered. I put my head on his chest, and heard his heartbeating. "Talk to me." he whispered. I rolled my eyes. He pulled my face to look up to his, "Tell me."


Me and Kol laid in the forest, kissing. When he pulled away, I noticed his eyes, were red, and I could see his veins. Then he grew fangs, he turned his head away from me. "I gotta go." he said running away fast. Fear filled me, I sat up,

"Elijah! Klaus! Kol!" I shouted. Within a second, Elijah was knleeing on the grass. I started crying, I hugged Elijah, who picked me up and within another second we were at there house. "Wait... How did we get here that fast. It took me and Kol an hour to get out there." I asked though my sobs. He ingored my question and walked inside. I saw Klaus sitting on the couch and jump up when he saw me. Elijah set me on the couch, I starred at them as tears fell from my eyes.

"Maryanne, we need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone." Elijah started. I nodded. "Were vampires." Elijah said, his face full of truth.

I started to nervous laugh, "Vampires aren't real." I said. As I watched them both, Elijah turned to Klaus.

"Prove it to her." he whispered. Klaus was gone within seconds and back. With a maid, her neck bleeding from a bite. Klaus gave me syphtiac look before biting into her neck. I watched in horror as the maid died. I grabbed the side of my head and started to shout. I jumped off the couch and started to run out of the house. I needed to leave, to go home and see Stefan and Damon and pretend this never happened. As I was running and checking behind me, when I turned I ran into someone. I looked up in horror as Kol stood above me, blood draning from his mouth. He was different person, he picked me up, and moved my head to the side.

I scearmed in horror, and saw Klaus and Elijah run up. "Kol! Put her down!" Elijah shouted. But before another word was said, he stuck his teeth into my neck skin. I started to scream lounder and trying to fight him. As I got dizzy and started to close my eyes, the last image I saw was Elijah and Klaus attacking Kol. Then everything went dark. I woke up in Elijah's room, I sat up and pain shot though my whole body. As I touched my neck, I remebered. Elijah appereard in his room, sitting on the bed. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Scared." I managed to get out. I was so scared, I thought I was going to stop breathing.

Elijah put his hand on mine, I flinched because now that I know he's a vampire it scared me. But I still got that burning feeling, my eyes made there way to Elijah's brown eyes. "If you want to leave us, I understand. But you can't tell anyone." Elijah started. I nodded my head no.

"I don't want to leave. I love you all. Even if your uh bloodsuckers." I said. Elijah kissed my forehead. I had my eyes glued on him. "How did you become vampires?" I asked curious. Elijah chukkled.

"It's a very long story Maryanne."


"So Kol bit you? No wonder your afiad of him." Damon said. I nodded my head no.

"I stopped being afiad of him after awhile." I said.

"Maryanne do you love Elijah or Klaus or Kol?" Damon asked. I shrugged. "Well you have to make up your mind." Damon said. "You can't just lead them all on and then break there hearts, Maryanne its not right." I stopped him, I could feel his anger and hurt.

"Damon, are you talking about me or Elena?" I asked. Damon shot me a look. "Damon, move on! If you really love her, find someone better." I whispered. Damon stecthed.

"Go to bed Maryanne. I am." Damon said getting out of my bed, "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. He walked out and I laid on the bed. When I heard my bedroom window open. I looked over to see Kol, he smiled at me.

"Maryanne, don't be afriad of me please." Kol begged. I got up, and anger filled my body. I grabbed his thoat and threw him agianst the wall. He zoomed up and grabbed my thoat, and ran to a wall so we were inches apart. "Maryanne, no ,no" he said. I zoomed up to the bed, me on top of him, starring into his eyes.

"I know more tricks Kol." I whispered. We starred at each other for awhile, then he grabbed the back of my head, and I grabbed his shirt, and he pulled down. So our lips meant, I started to remove his shirt, and he removed mine. That night we had sex.

Maryanne Salvator.(Damon and Stefan's little sister)EDITING!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें