23: What Family Should Be

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Grey's POV

Classes have been tough as we approach our midterms and finals. Thank god we're so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Wait, the first one without Patrick. I didn't even think about that.

Everything has been such a whirlwind. It's wild.

Now...question is, where am I going to apply for college.

Until it dawned on me. College applications are days away! Fuck, fuck, shit, goddammit, Grey Andriana Carson!

I fling myself off my bed and begin my research. What's my major? What's my minor? Where do I want to go? Study abroad? I just don't know anymore. I'm screwed.

My phone buzzes, notifying me of a text message. I take a look at the screen and I see Kevin's name on the screen. I turn it off. Now is not the time to get distracted.

I exhaled slowly and researched more. I had applied early for Yale. Yale was a top choice for a few years. I mean, duh, it's freaking Yale. I applied to Biomedical Engineering. I also did like bio and that stuff was fun. Should I apply through only majors like that? I run my hands through my hair, but even that was short lived, as my hair tangled around my ring. "Dammit!" I yank it out with a small clump of hair.

I sigh and drop my head. "Are you ignoring me now?" 

"Kevin, I have a lot on my mind."

He takes his seat in front of me so I can't do anything but acknowledge him. "College applications?"


"Dude, you know you're going to get into every university you want right?"

"I want Yale but it's Yale, that's like impossible."

"What did you say that first soccer practice? What was your IQ again?" 

"160 but that doesn't matter."

"A rock has more luck and intelligence as me!" Kevin leans back in his chair. "I don't think I can even go to college. Even with FAFSA and scholarships, I'll probably have to pay for it and there's no way I can.  Even community college at this point is a long shot. I don't know where to even begin but all I know is that I need to move out. I can't keep living in your house and I definitely can't live at home."

I sigh, feeling selfish with everything that I have and what I'm gifted with. "What about Theo? I still really haven't even met him."

"I don't think I can live with him. He's been off the grid since I went to the hospital. I don't think he even realized I was gone that weekend," his voice drifted off into thought. My eyes on him weary. I give him a hug, knowing I can't do much otherwise.

"You know, I have an idea. Do what you can scholarship wise then let me know okay?"

He rasied an eyebrow quizically. "What are you scheming now?" 

I waived my hand dismissively, "Don't worry about it! None of your concern."

He continued to eye me as we talked about the future options we might have. It's been nice being able to take my mind off of everything. Especially the Caster stuff. 

The classes roll by today oddly fast. I get an incoming text from Will and check it immediately. 

How are you doing now? I hope you're doing better. I spent a lot of money on that trip for you. Should be worth it!!!

I reply back with a chuckle. I am doing better. thank you so much for your concern.

I heard something happened to some kids in your grade. 

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