25: Confessions

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Grey's POV 


I hated watching the police escorting Kevin away after the regionals win. They were forced to interview him even though it was undeniable there was no involvement.

He came to my house the second he was out of police custody to my house. He told the deputies that I would be his emergency contact from now on. They were hesitant but eventually caved.

He told me what had been the reason for their visit. Kevin's dad had been murdered, meanwhile, his mom and brother are missing. They're being considered prime suspects now. What is happening in this fucking city? It's a small New England town where the population is only around 20,000 and a high school population of less than a thousand. At this point, no one can deny how things are turning, and they're most certainly for the worst. 

It's been a few days since the game. Kevin's house has been taped off as a crime scene still while the police wait for reinforcements due to the spike of suspicious deaths. Everyone at school has been talking about how the FBI is going to come. I don't think it'll be that extreme but it's beginning to reach that point.

Kevin has taken his spot in Parker's room with my blessing. My parents have been numb to the idea of him living with us, especially in their son's room. They care oh-so-much. 

I brought a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some crackers upstairs, passing by my mom. Not a word to me, not a single breath, not even a form of acknowledgment. I roll my eyes as I knock on the bedroom door. "Kev?"

"Yeah, you can come in." I push my way in. 

I had to find it ironic my brother's heart made its way back into this same room. 

Under the covers was the lump of teenage boy, unmoving besides the shallow breathing. I rest the bowl and cracker box on the nightstand, then taking a seat at the foot of the bed. I rest my hand on his leg and he mutters. I ask him to repeat - not being able to understand what he had said. 

"I'm sorry for being here, and taking up so much of your time and your parents."

"Why are you thanking me? Of course I'm going to be here for you."

"Are you sure your parents don't mind at all?" he begins to finally lift his head out from under the covers. His eyes almost swollen shut.

"I can promise you that they don't mind at all."

He looks around the room, "Even with me being in here?"

I nod, "Yes, don't worry at all about it please. Personally, I'm very glad you're here rather than anywhere else right now. I have lost pretty much all faith in humanity and I can't lose anyone else." His eyes soften, "Plus, I think I needed someone else in this room besides me," I let my eyes wander around the room.

Patrick had oddly been OCD about being clean - which I always found funny from a high school guy. Clothes were always organized in dressers and the closet, in almost a freakish order. The closet products itself were color coded then the hangers coded as well based on attire. It is genius regardless. Metal hangers were coats and sweaters, black velvet hangers were formal, white hangers were casual, and navy hangers were for any kind of pants. His walls were dark and homey, perfect for anyone needing sleep. The room itself was relaxing, no wonder he would be in here all the time outside of school and the gym. 

I'm snapped ot of my thoughts with Kevin nudging me. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I brush his hand aside putting on a reassuring grin. "I promise."

"Can I tell you something?"

My ears perk up. Kevin had been fairly quiet these last few days - understandably. Any communication from him is a breath of fresh air. "Of course! Never need to ask me that."

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