2: Ass Was Served

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Ryan's POV


I woke up in a light grey room on an uncomfortable bed. I slowly attempting sitting up but a killer headache brings me back down. "What the hell?" Suddenly, memories of the fight came back. Wait, fight? It wasn't a fight! I was knocked out in less than a minute...by a fucking girl! I groan and apparently it was loud enough for someone  to hear.

"Oh look, you're awake," a tall guy with large muscles, and a thin beard that matched his brown hair and eyes smiled down at me. 

"What happened? Did she really knock me out?" I ask still stunned about it.

He chuckles, "If it makes you feel better you're the first guy to attack her head on like that."

"Seriously?" A small bit of hope fluttered to the surface.

He nodded, "Yep. But then again you were the first guy she took down that fast." 

And it's gone. I sigh defeated. Jacob said it was pretty easy cash but who did he say to avoid fights with...? Was she the one that beat him so bad? "What's the girl's name?" I should have payed attention to it when he announced it.


"Huh? No like her real name."

"Caster," he says in a serious expression.

I frown, "Doesn't she have a normal name?" 

"Yeah but no one knows, and she want to keep it that way." Will gets up, "She said thanks for the $300." 

I sit in silence as he leaves. I sigh once more and grab my bag that they left. Everything was there, minus the $300. Damn. I take out my phone and text Kyle, Dude can you pick me up from the garage on Commercial Street? The Casco Bay Parking Garage. 

Sure, now? he replies almost instantly. I sit up and look in the mirror over a small metal sink, I didn't look bad thankfully, only a giant wrap covering my head. The headache isn't as bad but the image of the girl who kicked my ass remained. Caster, the beautiful boxer. I'll find out who you are, believe me. I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the underground gym and waited for Kyle. 

About 5 minutes later, he arrived with his new matte blue Jeep Rubicon. "Damn, you look pretty shitty."

"Gee, thanks for reminding me asshole," I grumble getting inside.

"The dude got your head pretty bad," Kyle chuckles.

"It wasn't a fucking dude," I growl.

Kyle's eyes widen and his face turns red, "Wait, so a girl did that!?" My silence answered his question.

"Shut up and drive," I hiss at him.

He shakes his head wiping away tears of laughter, "Dude, was she hot though?" I bite my lip replying the image in my mind of her face, well half of it. Long brown hair that looked soft to the touch and bright green eyes, tan skin, and great body. Kyle chuckles, "Definitely hot then."

"I only saw half her face and I didn't hear her voice." He raises an eyebrow confused. I sigh continuing, "She had makeup and an elevation training mask. But her body was muscular yet curvy."

"Oh," he says quietly. He continues driving away. "Want to go home or stay at my place?"

"I'll stay with you, honestly it was pretty stupid to go out on my first time on a Monday."

He chuckles, "Just skip tomorrow, bud."

I shrug, "Yeah, I might, you'll go in though?"

"Yep, unless you want me to stay back. Or you can get Parker to stay back with you."

The Glorious Triumph - Previously {The Nerd Kicks Ass}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat