I was dressed in a pale yellow dress that went down to my knees. They pinned my hair up and placed a pretty yellow flower in it. I thanked them as I slid some white heels on my feet and left the room, my feet clicking as I walked. When I walked into this palace, I couldn't even walk in heels and now, here I was, walking proudly with these shoes strapped to my feet. 

When I arrived at Harry's door, I knocked loudly. Almost immediately, the door swung open where a grinning Harry stood. He bent his knees slightly and gave me a hug with a quick kiss on the lips. When he pulled from the hug, he took my hand and led me into his bedroom as he does every time. He closed the door behind us and walked over to the table. 

"We have English muffins, fruit, and oatmeal for breakfast today. I hope that's okay," He smiled looking underneath the platter in front of his spot. 

"It's always okay, H," I laughed sitting down in my chair. "You look nice today."

Harry had a button down white tuxedo shirt that was buttoned all the way, his signature tight black jeans, black boots, and his black belt. Harry glanced down over his clothes and gave me a smile as he too sat down.

"Boring things with Dad," he shrugged. "We have some meetings or something today talking about the people in the kingdom and to better the morale. I'm thinking of mentioning the church in your hometown, they don't have one."

"No," I shook my head.

"I'll have to mention it to Baba," he said biting into his English muffin. "He's been looking for something to do with the kids of the church. They like to build."

"They like to build?" I laughed.

"That's not what I meant," he said running his hands over his face as he laughed. "I meant they like to help others and build things to better lives. A church in a town should be the salvation and hope for many people, not the reminder of having nothing."

"Okay," I nodded with a grin as I picked at the pineapple on my plate.

"Your mum called this morning," he laughed. "As soon as I was transferred to her she said to me, 'How do you work this damn stove?'" he said trying to do my mother's voice. 

"Oh my," I laughed.

"I ended up going over there to help her this morning," he laughed. "Your brothers all were standing there as she was frustrated. I think the fact that they can't read made it harder for her. The manual wasn't all that helpful, it was written with the assumption one knows how to work it."

"I'm sure she appreciated it," I smiled.

"She did," he laughed. "She was so excited to try and make something new. She said something about a breakfast bake, I don't know. She even offered for me to stay but I told her you would be disappointed if I wasn't here," he grinned to me.

"We'll let my brothers try her new food," I laughed. "Mum has so much more to learn about cooking now that I will wait."

"I think that sounds like an excellent idea," he said leaning across the table to grant me a kiss on the lips. "How are you feeling?"

"Bit sore, but other than that, I'm great," I said quietly. "Why?"

"I don't want you to regret what we did," he stated, his voice in a low, grumble of a  whisper. 

"I don't," I promised him raising my hand and pressing it gently to his cheek, my thumb running across the surface of his skin. "I told you last night, I will never regret this."

"I know," he said, green eyes meeting my blue ones. "Sometimes people say things that make us question the truth. I was questioning, but you stood by what you said, that must be the truth, right?"

The Prince (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now