"I'll be fine." She mumbled.

I can only imagine seeing Annie get up to the plate and trying to run to first. It would be kinda maybe like a crawl type thing.

I sat Annie down on the couch beside her clothes. Now, I just have to give her medicine.. Which I left upstairs. Fuck.

"How about you put your uniform on while I run up and get your medicine, alright?"

I got a jumbled up word in response. With that, I turned on my heals and started to sprint upstairs. Who needs the gym when you have a sick child to take care of?

I grabbed the medicine off the bedside table and then took off in once again another sprint. Maybe, in a very selfish way, this is kind of better. If Annie wasn't sick, I'm sure she would be giving me the silent treatment this morning for the incident late last night. But then again, I take that back. The silent treatment is way more better than my little girl being so sick.

"I got your med-" Annie was laying on the floor, shirt half on- pants half on.

"I tried but it just got stucksnbslan." I'm not sure what that last word was, but obviously the girl needs some help.

I fought off the giggle threatening to burst out of my mouth, and instead got on the ground and pulled the rest of her shirt over her head and began pulling the pants up, which aren't going over her ass.

"Damn it, Annie." I said, tugging again. "You sure do have your moms butt."

I tugged again trying my hardest to get it over her butt. It's like she grown two sizes sense a few days ago.

"Hey guys I'm-" Marissa said appearing in the doorway. "What is going on?"

I can only imagine what is going through Marissa's head right now. From her view, it probably looks a little sketchy walking in on a mom on the ground trying to get her daughters pants on.

"She's overly sick, has a fever, needs to stay home, and I can't-" I tugged one more time before giving up and letting my arms hang loose by my sides. "Get her pants on."

Marissa tilted her head a little to get a better look at the limp girl laying in the middle of the floor. "Her pants are zipped and she has her belt on, dumbass."

Like that's going to make a difference?

I pulled her belt off and gave a little tug and sure enough, her pants went right over her butt. I hate not being right.

"We need to leave." Marissa said.

"Will you get a piece of toast?" I asked.

Marissa nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me to try to get Annie back to her feet.

"Mom, I'm fine." She mumbled.

"No you're not." I said, struggling to pull her up.

She was midway up when, once again, she said, "Mom I can do it."

"Fine." I said, in defeat. I let go of her hands and watched her fall right back to the floor.

"Ouch." She muttered.

How is she supposed to play a softball game when she can't even get to her feet by herself?

"Demi!" Marissa yelled.


"Do you have that one medicine I brought over here that one time you were sick?"

"It would be in the medicine cabinet up stairs." I put my hands on my hips and waited for a response, but I didn't get one. Seconds later, Marissa was walking past me and set the toast on table before continuing upstairs.

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