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It has been five years ever since their first meeting. Here they were on the hill once again, having a conversation with each other.

"How many years... till you die?"

"Five more years. I'm eleven years old, remember?"

The freckled boy laughed in amusement as he questioned the yōkai.

"What, are you going to miss me?"

"... yea. It's been a while since I've been so happy talking with a human."

"So, I'm your first?"

"Don't make it sound so wrong, you little brat!" Bakugou smacked the boy's head, earning a whine from him.

"Ouch! No need to be so harsh, old geezer!"

"Who are you calling old!?"

"Aren't you a hundred years old or something?"

"... I didn't count!"


They sat there in silence once again, just staring at the tulips in front of them. Bakugou found himself gazing at Midoriya, who was stroking the flower petals again.

"Say, how come only tulips grow here?" The blond asked, entranced by the emerald orbs of Midoriya.

"Who knows? My parents say that there was a tale where a couple once sat here, just like us. Unfortunately, they died in a tragedy."

"Hm... interesting."

"What if... I die here? Just like them?"

"There's no way I'm gonna die with you, if you were thinking about that," Bakugou remarked, a slight smirk placed on his lips. He pressed his hand on Midoriya's fluffy hair, his fingers dancing across the curls.

"I will grieve for you."

Another silence washed over the two as they stared at each other in the eyes. The silence wasn't awkward... it was comfortable. They knew what the other was thinking without asking.

"I don't think I'm going to come back to this hill when my sixteenth birthday comes... my parents said that they will lock me in the room."

"What kinda parents do you even have?" Bakugou retorted, a scowl on his face. "I might as well just shred them to pieces."

The yōkai bared his fangs as his sharp nails glinted dangerously in the sun, slightly scaring Midoriya.

"They are still my parents. They raised me when I was born. You probably shouldn't do that," Midoriya reached both his hands out to Bakugou's arm, an attempt to calm him down.

"Tsk. I know. I just despise them—not only them. This whole town. Why don't they just accept you already? It's as if you're even worse than our kind. I can't stand it," Bakugou protested, glaring at the colorful scenery before him. "Even though you are so beautiful too..."

Midoriya's eyes widened, hearing the last sentence. "Y-you think I'm beautiful?"

A light blush made it's way to the blond's cheeks as he nodded. "When I first saw you... it was like seeing an angel. I've never seen such a divine being in my entire life."

"That's the first time someone's ever described me as divine... thank you," the boy grinned, a bit flustered at his flattery.

Bakugou couldn't help but turn his head away, trying to restrain himself from being cuddly towards the adorable boy. "Whatever. It was just a compliment, don't take it seriously!"

He smacked the boy's head again, causing him to whine again.

"Do you have to hit me every day? I swear that I'm losing brain cells cause of you!"

"You never had any!"

"I do!"

"Do not!"

They started fighting each other verbally but in the end, it was futile since they both laughed. Every fight of theirs ended with merrily that it hardly seemed like they fought.

"Hmph. I'm never talking to you again!"

Midoriya puffed his cheeks and crossed his arms as he turned away from Bakugou. The minor movements made the blond chuckle as he gripped his small shoulder, causing Midoriya to face him.

"You wouldn't give me the cold shoulder, would you?"

The boy stuck his tongue out at the fox, slightly pissing the blond off.

"Stop being childish, Deku."

Midoriya's eyes slightly widened at the name and he uncrossed his arms, staring deep into his ruby eyes.

"Who's Deku?"

"It's you, you idiot."

"But why?"

"Because your name is Midoriya Izuku. If you just shorten it, then it's Deku."

The boy cupped his chin, deep in thought as he muttered a few words.

"I see... then I'm calling you Kacchan!"

"Kacchan? Do you know how childish that sounds?"

"I don't care! You're Kacchan! Your name is Bakugou Katsuki, right? Just use the 'ka' from Katsuki and add 'cchan!'"

"Tch. Fine."

Bakugou rolled his eyes at the new nickname he received while Midoriya sat there, a dorky grin plastered on his lips. The green-haired boy was beyond jubilant at the fact that he had made a new friend and even made a nickname for him.

"Then, Deku—"

"Izuku, time to eat lunch!"

Bakugou hissed at the motherly voice, slightly pissed off that he couldn't finish speaking.

"Sorry, I have to go! Let's meet again tomorrow!"

The blond sighed and waved, earning a returned wave from the child as he hopped down the hill to his mother. The fox found himself growing warmer to the human child, more than he has ever felt with anyone else.

Their friendship was growing into something deeper and complex, both of them not even realizing it.

The flower is processing growth, eager to fully blossom into pure love.

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