Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


*Arianna's POV*

I see myself laying there in the hosptial bed.. I've been like this for a week now... My body just laying there.. lifeless.. I keep trying to wake up, I keep thinking that this all has to be a dream.. that I didn't get shot...but its not...I was cut off when a nurse opened the door and Joshua walked through the door, oh how I missed him so much..his hugs..his smile.. his laugh.. I watced him walked over to my bed, he pulled up a chair sat down and just held my hand. I stood right behind him with my hand on his shoulder.. I listened to him speak.."Arianna.. beautiful.. if you can hear me.. please stay strong for me, keep fighting, I know you can pull through this gorgeous.. you are the strongest girl I know.. I love you.. yes you heard me right I love you Arianna Mae Brooks and if you can actaully hear me you probably think im lying or think how can he love me so soon? well truth be honest when you were with Triston I was falling for you.. I wanted to be the one to make you happy now look.. Im the reason you are in the hosptial.. I read the text Arianna..This is all my fault and im so sorry.. "  He was crying really hard right now I just wanted to hug him, tell him that im here, that I can hear him. That none of this is his fault.. Its all... *knock* *knock* *knock*


I turned my head towards the door...Triston... what is he doing here... why does he look like complete shit...He looks so upset..but why? he doesn't care about me.. and Joshua he looks so angry.. "Arianna" I stood there frozen.. that sweet voice I haven't heard since the night he died... I turned around and there stood Theo.."Theo..." I wanted to cry.. I wanted to run up to him and hug him.. but also I wanted to punch him for leaving me here in this world.."Arianna listen to me, im sorry .. im sorry for everything but you have to do me a favor... go back, you don't belong here, you belong there with the people who love you.." I started crying and looked at Joshua yelling at Triston. "Theo.. Im scared"  He walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug "Dont be scared princess, im here. im always watching over you.. remember I love you" I took in his hug for another mintue.. "I love you too Theo.." With that he was gone.. I looked over at myself and I see Triston walking towards me and Joshua was gone.  Triston grabbed my hand and kissed my forhead.. oh man how I miss him even though he hurt me..."Hey babygirl.. I know this is crazy and you can't hear me... but im here to explain... I never wanted Kaitlyn.. I always wanted you.. I told her that.. but she said if I left her she would hurt you.. I got scared.. after everything you been through I just wanted to make you happy but I failed doing that huh? I need you too know that I actually really do love you, and I know you hate me.. hate me for everything but I knew there was something special about you when I first saw you at the mall the day Dominick ran into you.. You kept me going and helped me stay on track.. seriously I love your silliness, the way you always put a smile on my face.. You made me the happiest person alive, you always made me laugh a lot. your smile seriously alone made my day. You dont have any idea how much you make me smile, how much i love talking to you..I honeslty don't know whats going to happen from here on out but I do know that I want you back.. and if you can hear me, I want you to know that these feelings are true babe.. and they will NEVER change.. Im so sorry for everything babygirl.. I love you so much... please give me a sign if you can actually hear me.."  Everything went black, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around... There I was back in my own body in the hosptial room..


So sorry It took a while to update, I have so much I have to do lately.. but yeah I hope this didn't suck:/

-Destany <3

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