Chapter 1

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Today's the day, the day I have dreamed of for SO long. You know I never thought I'd ever find someone; I know "there's always someone for everyone" but I never believed it... After my crush died I didn't think I'd ever find anyone as amazing as him. Oh wait you're probably wondering "Who was my crush" or "how did he die" or who is "he" now... Well it all started when I was 16.

-------5 years earlier---------

Hi y'all my name is Arianna Mae Brooks. I'm currently 16 years old and I live in L.A. With my mom. You're probably wondering where's my dad? Well he left when I was 4 years old. You see he cheated on my mother... I wouldn't say I hate him; I just don't like him that much; but enough about them. I don't have any siblings I'm the only child. You are probably thinking oh great she's spoiled; but actually I'm not. My mom basically only uses the money on herself. So whatever I have I have earned on my own time; not easy having a job at 16 and going to school. I have long blonde curly hair, piercing blue eyes and apparently the "perfect body"; you would think every guy would be all over me but you're wrong; everyone basically hates me except for my one best friend Theo Sanders. He calls me Air.. dont ask me why.. ive never really liked it..but yeah; I kinda have the biggest crush on him.. But I will NEVER be able to tell him. It'll ruin everything... But I've been thinking maybe I should tell him. Yeah. You know what.? I will right now!

As I walk over to my bed I pick up my phone and I dialed Theo's number.

When I heard the ringing I started freaking out.. Maybe I shouldn't tell him.. Come on Airanna don't be a baby. Do it! Right before I was going to hang up I hear his sweet voice on the other line.

Theo; Hello.?

Arianna; uh hey Theo! Uh I was wondering if you'd like to come over? I'm so bored!!

Theo; Sure Air I'll be there in 5!

Arianna; okay bye!

Theo; Bye!

And with that I hung up the phone; I looked myself over in the mirror; this was my favorite outfit. My baby blue shorts and a crop top that said "Save water and shower with Justin Bieber" and my light blue converse

About 10 mins have passed and he still wasn't here....another 15 mins passes still no show... It's now 7:15 at night and I called him at 6.. Just then my phone started ringing; I ran over to my bed to pick it up, "oh look Theo's calling" I said Hello and that's when I heard the worst news of my life..My best friend has been in a car accident, the love of my life was dead.


Okay so this probably isn't the best story in the world but it will get better I promise!!!(: I mean every story gets better later on right.?(: Should I do a song for each chapter?(:

hope you like it!!!

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