Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


         I tried to sleep last night but to many things ran through my head.. Was that call really to me?  Who could it be? Why do I need Joshua out of my life? and mostly why does this have to happen to me?

I was just falling asleep around 10 am when I heard my door open and then someone was jumping on me telling me to wake up. I knew the voice from anywhere. of course it was Joshua. I can't tell Joshua about the call because he might freak out.. I rolled over and put my head under the pillow... "Well someones not a morning person" Joshua chuckled. "I didn't get much sleep last night, bad dream" I lied. Joshua climbed under the covers with me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He wispherd in my ears, "sleep tight my angel, I'll be here when you wake up" and with that I was out.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, someone was calling me again.. I sat up seeing Joshua asleep, I grabbed my phone and saw another block number.

"Uh... hello?"

"Times ticking hun, get him out of your life.. or somethings gonna happen."

I was in so much shock.. "I think you have the wrong number. This is Anne"

They chuckled and said "We arent stupid Arianna. times ticking"

With that they hung up. I was so scared. I don't know what to do.."Arianna who was that?" Joshua asked. I jumped because he scared me. "Nothing they had the wrong number looking for Billy" I lied. "Well then why did you tell him your name was Anne?" oh shoot... he was listening. "I didn't want to give out my personally info" I lied again. I really really hate lying to Joshua. This kills me... but I dont want him to know about this.

Dang its already 6pm. I got up and took a shower. Joshua told me to get ready because he's taking me to the park.! Yes I'm 16 years old and I love the park. Never to old to have fun!!

Joshua and I decided to walk to the park. We chased each other around for about Thirty minutes and we finally got tired and sat down. I got a text from a random number. "Since you didn't kick Joshua out of your life, things are going to get hard.. look up"  when I looked up there was a blonde girl with a mask on who walked out with a gun. It was going straight towards Joshua. I jumped infront of Joshua and I heard the gun go off. Joshua was yelling my name. I heard the ambulance sirens and thats all I remember from there.


Sorry this chapter is so short 

Should I keep this story going or just end it!?/: I feel like this story sucks. D;


-Destany <3

Joshua King/Triston Tyler love story &lt;3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora