Chapter 3

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Chapter 3;


As I drag myself out of bed 10 mins before I am suppose to leave I throw on a sweat shirt and bring my bags down stairs; my mom looks of course happier than ever; I don't see why? I was just fine in my room; blahhh "Arianna Mae! It's hot in Missouri! Do you really need to be wearing a sweatshirt?!" She said in a annoying pitch. "Yes mom I do; because I'm C-O-L-D" I said lying, I'm actually burning up; I have to wear something to cover the scars.


We finally get to the airport; part of me doesn't wanna go; I just want to see Theo again; and then my other part is telling me to get my butt to Missouri and try to be happy; guess its worth a try. I say my goodbyes to my mom and board the plane; I text my dad to say I'm on the plane and with that I shut my phone off, put my headphones in, I blast Hurt by Christina Aguilera and cry myself to sleep thinking of Theo.


I was awaken by the flight attendant telling me the flight has landed; as I slowly made my way off the plane I regretted coming; The plane landed in St Louis, Missouri which was about 2 hours from the town my dad lives in.. ; I've always wanted to go here actually; my mom told me I could never see my dad because I would turn into a cheater like him; really.? I'm my own person. But as I walk through the airport trying to find my dad; I realized its gonna be hard.. I haven't seen my dad sense I was 4; I barley remember what he looks like; but I guess that's not going to be hard since some guy is now yelling my name; "Arianna! Hey!!" As I finally made my way over to him he pulled me into a big hug; "uh hi dad?" "Oh no, don't you remember me? It's your Uncle Ted," oh great not even 10 mins in Missouri and I already don't know who my uncle is..or at least I didnt recognize him I thought to myself, but I lied and told him I was only joking around so I didn't hurt his feelings; "Hahah I'm just playing with you Ted, I knew it was you!" I put on a fake smile; "Haha that's the Arianna I know! Come on let's get you to your dads house!" And with that we began walking to the car; I was thinking to myself, why didn't my dad pick me up? Does he not like me? Am I to ugly for him to love.? Don't be stupid I thought again.. He hasn't seen me since I was 4... He doesn't know what I look like; as we finally reached the car Uncle Ted told me to jump in and go ahead and take a nap even though I slept all the way here; do I look like death or something.? I thought to myself; oh well it's sleep I'm going to take it.


A couple hours later I woke up in a bed; How did I get in here? Where am I anyways.? I open the door and I hear noises coming from down stairs; I slowly make my way to the stairs and walk down there; of course it was just the tv. Mhm I wonder where my dad is... "Dad? Uh hello.?" Just than a man; I'm assuming he was my dad; walked around the corner, "You're finally awake!" He came over and gave me a big hug; "I've missed you sooo much!" I hugged him back and just said "you too".


Its 12 am and I'm not tired at all; Today was okay I guess; Dad and I went out and stopped at Subway to eat for dinner. No one knows that I stave myself. so I kind of ate a little bit and went to the bathroom and threw up.. but anyways ; There was a guy working and his name was Dominick, he gave me his number and told me to text him later; I mean he wasnt bad looking at all; His eyes were the perfect color blue; and his hair....oh my; Swishy black hair.. You would say this guy way perfect! You're probably wonderig if I texted him huh.? well guess what in fact I didn't.. now you are probably wondering why huh.? Well I guess I just don't want to talk to anyone.. I'm pretty still upset about Theo but its time to MOVE ON.... but maybe it would be good to talk to Dominick.. I mean he would be the only one I knew around here... Mhm; what would you do? Text him.? or just be friendless the whole summer? I mean I'm used to being friendless. I went all almost my whole life without friends; When I was 13 I had this friend named Taylor..but of course she blew me off to be popular.. and then my only other friend was Theo.. now hes gone so guess what FRIENDLESS... but I could give Dominick a chance....yeah maybe I will; By the time I got done thinking about all this it is now 12:20am... wow.. time flies when you ramble on about stuff... well I guess its time to go to bed.. I guess I'll text Dominick tomorrow.. Wish me luck.!


Well there is Chapter 3 for you.. I didnt really know what to write in this chapter.. but Chapter 4 will be better cause guess what.....oh wait.. im not telling you.. you'll just have to read and find out yourself. (:

Vote; Comment; and share please!! Tell me what you think of this.. and tell me who YOU think she should end up with.. Triston, Joshua .or even Dominick.(: <3

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