Chapter 2

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Chapter 2;


Today's the day.....Theo's visitation and funeral.. I'd never thought this would be happening at such young age..

As everyone walks through the line telling me "I'm sorry for you loss" and "Theo's gonna miss you" and "Dont worry Arianna, things will get better" it just hurts because I know things WON'T get better. Not in a million years! I think to myself, why me? What did I ever do? He was my only friend, my first love... I didn't deserve any of this... Do you really want me to live my whole life with no one? Why? And with this I ran out of the room and ran to the stairs and sit down and start crying, I felt a hand on my back and I jumped in fright. I see Stacy, Theo's mom, standing there. "Hey Hun, listen. Theo is up there watching you right now, he doesn't like seeing you upset." She said. "How could I not be upset Stacy? This is all MY fault.. If I didn't have him come over, we wouldn't be here!" She handed me a letter and said "I found this in Theo's room; thought you would want this, and remember this isn't your fault" and with that she is walking away.

I slowly ripped it open trying not to rip it,knowing this is the only thing I have left of him. I pulled out the letter an began to read...


Hey gorgeous, so I've been dying to tell you something.. And I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship at all.. But from the first day I saw you I knew you were the one for me, the way your eyes light up that beautiful face of yours, your smile could light up the entire world. I like you SOOO much Air, actually no, I take that back, I love you with ALL my heart, I love the way you make me feel when we are together, I have NEVER been this happy when we are together, Every second I spend time with you counts no matter if it's 5 mins, you light up my mornings and nights,<3 

Love Theo, 

Dated feb 14.

That was the best note ever, but why didn't he ever give it to me? It's been 2 months since he has wrote that.. 2 months we could have been together..I just do---- and with that I was cut off by Stacy, " Come on Hun, the funeral is starting" and with that we went inside.


It was now my turn to speak..I talked for a good 10 mins and everyone was now crying, it was time for me to sing a song, As soon as it started more people broke out in tears but I held it together until I sang " and when it sinks in, you know, when I see it in stoneee, cause you went away, how dare you..?, I miss you... They say ill be okay.. But I'm not going to ever get over youuuuu"


It's been a month..a month sense my best friend're probably wondering how I am doing huh,? I would be lying if I said good. I barley come out of my room, I barley eat, I even started self harm.. You are probably thinking I'm crazy..but it just helps.. Imagine loosing your best friend.. How would you feel? Awful huh.? I would hope so. My moms sending me to live with my dad this summer..oh great...just what I need, she said She can't stand how upset I am, well what do you expect? I loved him.. Well anyways I leave tomorrow at 5am... Wish me luck! But how bad could Missouri  be anyways? It couldn't be that bad......could it.?


Well there is chapter 2 for you!! I know it's not good at all, but it will get so much better when Triston and Joshua come in!!! Who do you think she'll fall for?

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Joshua King/Triston Tyler love story &lt;3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt