Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


*Joshua's POV"

Im so glad I asked Arianna to go to the park with me, yes you would say we are too old to be a the park but who doesn't like to have fun and you're never to old for the park.  Im having such a blast with her! We just got done chasing each other around and now we are just both sitting here trying breathe. Arianna was checking her phone so I just took this time to take in how beautiful she looks. How her face lights up the sky.  How her blue eyes remind me of the ocean.. just everything about her was perfect... I could seriously stare at this girl all day, yes that sounds very creepy but its true, you can never get tired of looki--my thoughts got cut off when Arianna looks up. As soon as I look up I hear a gun shot and Arianna jumping right infront of me..

There I see her.. laying there lifeless...I looked up and the person was gone.. "ARIANNA...ARIANNA....PLEASE STAY WITH ME...SOMEONE...SOMEONE CALL 911" I held her in my arms crying shaking so bad... I hear the sirens. "Please stay with me Air.. they are coming you are going to be alright"


*Joshua's POV still*

Its been a week.... I haven't left this waiting room yet.. I probably look like a hot mess right now.. but I could care less.. I need to be here when she wakes up.. I need to see her...Shes been in a coma who knows how long she will be in one.. The bullet barely missed her heart.. she could have been gone for ever.. but who knows if she even wakes up..  come on Joshua don't think that way, you know shes a fighter.... Her dad has been in and out of the hosptial. He wants to stay but work needs him.. he has to work to keep a house.. so I totally understand.. this is one reason I need to be here.. what if she does wake up and no ones is here.. she would be so upset..

"Im looking for Joshua King" I heard someone say.. I look up its a nurse..

"Thats me!" I said jumping out of the chair. 

"Just wanted to give you an update, Miss Brooks has not woken up yet.. but we are hoping it will be very soon. You are welcomed to go see her if you would like" I haven't seen her since the day she got shot...I nodded my head and the nurse showed me the room. I walked into the room and saw her laying there.. shes pale as a ghost.. honestly she looks dead..I couldnt help but cry.. I walked over to her bed, I pulled up a chair sat down and just held her hand. "Arianna.. beautiful.. if you can hear me.. please stay strong for me, keep fighting, I know you can pull through this gorgeous.. you are the strongest girl I know.. I love you.. yes you heard me right I love you Arianna Mae Brooks and if you can actaully hear me you probably think im lying or think how can he love me so soon? well truth be honest when you were with Triston I was falling for you.. I wanted to be the one to make you happy now look.. Im the reason you are in the hosptial.. I read the text Arianna..This is all my fault and im so sorry.. "  I was crying rivers right now.. she could die and it would be all my fault....She doesn't deserve this.. I should be the one who was shot, not her. 

*knock* *knock* knock*




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