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I was in the bathroom with a blade in my hand and I was breathing heavily than I saw me as a kid than a teenager I was playing with Ashley and Jordan until this happened

"Corbyn please open the door" Zach said

But I didn't answer it I just say there until I woke up and I was sweating like crazy and I had tears in my eyes. I saw Jonah drinking coffee

"Corbyn what are you doing up around 6am" he said

"I had a nightmare" I said

"Oh poor thing what was it about"he said walking up to me

"It was about me as a kid than a teenager "I said

"What do you mean as a kid than a teenager" he said

"it's not important " I said

"What do you mean it's not important" he said

"it's not important okay " I said

"Fine......... Okay Its not important" he said in a annoying tone

"Wh- I'm going back to sle-"

I felt a soft lips against mine I didn't know who it was it was Jonah he move his hand went to my waist and he pulled me closer he went deeper into the kiss I fell back he was on top of me but he flip us over so I was on top of him he pulled away and I look at his eyes until another flashback

I was in my room letting tears drop down my face of the fact that he cheated on me I look at the picture of me and him hugging until he came in angry  he walk up to me but I tried to backup but he grab me and throw me on the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you walk off like that" he yelled


"Don't say that you didn't mean too" he said and kick me on the face I screamed in pain and he throw a glass cup at me and walk out of the room I lied there cried harder than ever.

End of Flash back

"Corbyn are you okay you were spaced out" he said

"Yeah just a flashback" I said

" What up with all these flashback " he said

"I don't know" i said

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