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Me and Justin left and we hang out and once I got back I saw Jack and Zach cuddling up to each other while they were sleeping and Daniel awake on his phone and Corbyn sound asleep.

"Hey jo how was it" Daniel said

"Good why" I said

"Oh okay just asking" he said getting ready to go to bed

" night dani" I said

"Night jo" he said hitting the hay

I look at Corbyn who sound like he was crying I look at him. I turn him around and hug him. He woke up and look at me and hid face in my chest. I rubbed his back in circles

"W-why did she ch-cheat on me" he said sobbing

"I don't know but I do know that she doesn't deserve any part of you" I said kissing his forehead

"I gave her e-e-ev-every-thing" he said looking at me.

"I know I know you did you gave her your love everyday" I said

"And she go and do this to you" I said hugging him tighter

"I don't understand". He said

" I just don't neither" I said


I don't get it at all I'm not gay I like girl that's all. Jonah I don't like him I can't get these feelings for him I just can't. He's just a friend that's all he ever be.

I fell asleep on Jonah's chest and I felt comfortable on his chest. I felt him move me to my side but I didn't let go until Jonah woke me up making me whine for some reason.

"Are your going to let go" he said

"No I feel comfortable" I said laying on his chest

" you know I have a boyfriend right" I said

"Fine I'll lay on my side of the bed" I said looking the other way

"Corbyn i-" I just cut him off

"I know but does it hurt for me to cuddle with you since I Need comfort form you" I said facing to the wall

"Corbyn" he said

"Good. Night" I said

"Goodnight than" he said

Everything went straight to silence I got up and sat up and look a Jonah. He was sleeping and I decided to go to the bathroom. I call my mom and dad they answer it.

"Hi sweetie how is it there" my mom said

"Good so far" I said

"So I heard that Christina there" my dad said

"Um she broke up or cheated on me" I said

"Oh hun" they said

"I'm find mo-" I was cut off by someone talking

" I'm here for you CROBYN" a boy said

"Hey I gotta go bye mom and dad" I said

"Cor-" I hung up on them

"Who's there" I said

" Find out yourself" the boy said

I ran out of the bathroom and climbed into bed and I look around and saw something fall so I hide my face behind Jonah's back and fell asleep

(Next day)


I woke up to see Corbyn so close up to my back sleeping I turned my body towards him and Corbyn cuddled up to me he was sleeping peacefully until Jack ruined the moment.

"Someone in love" he said in a sang way

"Shut up" I said

He left and Corbyn woke up he look at me and push me away.

"What the hell Jonah you have a boyfriend and that's what you said to me last night when I just want to cuddle with you" he said look at me

"Corbyn come on you love it" I said moving forward

"No no I'm not gay" he said.

I Need You Now |Jorbyn Messon| {Fanfic} Updating In Progressजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें