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"Hey Jonah" he said

" who there jo" Nicole said walk to the door

"What the hell are you doing here Corbyn" Nicole said bitterly

"I just want to talk with jo" he said looking down

"Well no your not going to talk to him you asshole" Nicole said

"Can I talk to you Jonah" he said

"Yes" I said

"A-alone" he said


Jonah close the door behind him and look at me.

"Corbyn why are you here" he said

"I want to apologize for what I did" i said

"Then why did you do it" he said

"I- I don't know jo" I whispered

"How could you not know!" He said in a mad tone

" how could you Corbyn you just went and fuck around with my boyfriend bean you just had to do it why did you do it i had to live with some one I thought I trust but no I thought you forgave me about what happened why Corby-" he was cut off

"Because I was mad or jealous because you and Justin were to get together so I kiss him i want to be with you I know I said I wasn't gay but I love you Jonah so much I can't get you off my mind all time I think of you I wish you were here with me and he said y'all broke up" I admitted

"He said we broke up" he said I nodded my head slow and I can't look at him anymore after what I said

"Look at me Corbyn" he said I didn't look up when I felt some one lift my chin up and it was Jonah

" I can't stop think about you either" he said leaning in and our lips were just a few inches away

"I cant stop think about your eyes your voice you humor and your lips" he said

"My l-lips" I said

"Yes" he said

He look at me before smashing his lips into mine I was shock of that then melted into the kiss grab my waist and turn us around so I was near the wall and push me against the wall and pull me closer I put my hand on his shoulder and he kiss me deeper I pull away

"We can't do this here Jonah" I said

" Then we can go inside anyways she left already so we have to house to are self for three hours because she has a meeting" he said and drag me to his room and push me on his bed he got on top of me and attack my neck causing me to moan

"J-j-Jonah mmm" I moaned

He then kiss me again and he took his shirt off then mine he pull my pants down and then his he got back on to of me and kiss me he was pounding in me I was moaning and he went harder he bent down and he did a kitty lick on my dick causing me to moan he suck on it and I was moaning. He got back up he put one finger in me causing me to moan

"Mmmmmm" I moan

"Does it hurts princess" he said

I nodded my head and he kiss me again and I kiss back he pull me closer and I moaned between the kiss.


I woke up and I saw Jonah he was up playing his guitar I look at myself and I was naked I grab my clothes and put them on I look at Jonah he had a weird expression on his face.

"Corbyn can you leave or get out" he said

"Why" I said

"Did you hear me I said GET OUT" he yell

"What you just kiss or made out with me and now your telling me to get out" I yell

" I know but I shouldn't have done that it was bad of me now may you leave of our both sake" he said

"No you just kiss or made out with me you fucking bi-" I was cut off by Jonah

"I did that because I didn't know what to say when you said you love me I just did it to make you happy I never love you" he admitted

My heart shattered in a million piece

"Jo-" I said tears coming out

"GET OUT" he yell I walk out before I did i turn around

"Fuck you Jonah Marias" I said and walk away sobbing when I all most walk out I saw a song that said Need You Now cover by Jonah Marais to Corbyn Besson I pick it up and left once I got home I took it and read it

Picture perfect Bends shader all around the
floor Reaching for the phone cause I can't fight
It anymore and if I wonder if I ever cross Your mind for me it happens all the time

It's a quart after one I'm all alone and I Need You Now said I won't come but I'm lose all
Control and I need you now and I don't know how I can do it without but I need you now

Love and shader whiskey can't stop looking at the door wishing you come sleeping man the way you did before and I wonder if I ever cross your mind me it happens all the time

It a quart after one I'm a little drunk and I Need You Now said I won't come but I'm lose the
Control and I need you now and I don't know how I can do it without but I just need you now

(Ohoh) (music) guess I never hurt them feel nothing at all its a quart after one I'm all alone and I Need You Now and I said I won't come but I'm a little drunk and I Need You Now

And I don't how I can't do it without I just need you now I just need you now oh baby I need you now

I Need You Now Corbyn Matthew Besson I miss you

I cried and I ripped up the paper and hug my knees and hidden my face.

"I miss you Jonah I Need You Now" i said

Hope Jonah and Corbyn and up together I'm almost cried because it's so sad and I'm sorry if I made you cry to the #12 #13 and #14 it's just so sad and who ship jorbyn comment if you do




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