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I look at it and cried he thought I didn't want him near me or with me. So and he end his life because he thought I didn't like at all

I got a call from the Hospital I answer it than walk away

"Hello is this Jonah Marais" the thing or whatever you call it said

"Yes yes it is" i said

"It appears that Crobyn Besson is alive but he may be in the hospital for a week are so he jump and boy named Max Thomson coughed him thankfully he is okay" She said

"So he's okay than thank you I be their in a few minutes" I said sighing in relief

"Okay bye Mr. Marais" she said and hang up

I walk to the boys and saw them.

"So is he okay" Daniel said really fast

"Yes in fact were going to see him" I said

"We ARE" Zach Yelled

We all got in the car and drive off to the Hospital once we got their we went to the front desk.

"Hey we're here for Crobyn Besson are friend" We said

"Yes he's in Room 134" she said

" okay thanks" we said and ran down the hall

132 133............ 134

Once we got in his room I saw him he had a case on his arm and he had scars on his arms and cuts in him cheeks.

"Hey Crobyn" I said walk towards him. He look at me then turn to the other way

"What do you w-want j-jonah" he said

"I want to see if you were okay Crobyn" I said

"W-why" He said

" because I care about you Corbyn " I said

"Then why did you say you didn't love me you just did that to make me happy j-Jonah if you care then why did you make me feel lost empty inside j-jonah" he said about to sob

I stayed silent I remember what I said when I kick him out of Nicole's house he cried harder I didn't like that.

" Corbyn I didn't mean to I'm sorry I said that" I said

"Now your fucking sorry huh" he said

"Why can't you see I love you more than anything in my life I like you I want to have me and I still do why can't you see that" he said

"Why can't you see I love you no one else I want you only you can you see that I only want you I loved you Jonah I love you only you why can't you see that why" he cried

"Crobyn please I didn't mean to" I said

He had tears running down he's face.

"I......... Love You Too ............Crobyn" I said

He look at me and he's eye were red and puffy once before he could say something the thing went beep!! I look at him.

"Corbyn! Corbyn! Wake up please" I tried to shake him but he didn't wake up

"Corbyn wake up wake up please" I cried

The doctor ran in an told us to get out I look back to see Corbyn's lifeless body laying on the hospital bed.


I was shocked because I never thought Jonah love me I was about to say something but something happened I couldn't open my eyes or move.

I Need You Now |Jorbyn Messon| {Fanfic} Updating In Progressजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें