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Small droplets of rain started to hit the walls and roof.
A smooth sound of drumming rain spread through the castle.
You sat below your window, the wind sending some of the rain drops into your room.
Your thoughts traveled to Genji and his obvious feelings towards you. You hadn't planned on him to fall in love with you, neither did you plan to develop feelings for Hanzo. But here you were, helplessly looking for advice in the silence.
The rain hid the tears falling from your lashes. "What do I do?" You asked the dark sky and it's purple clouds. A flash of lightning struck through the scenery.

A sign?

You straightened your back and breathed out a long held in breath. It began to become cold but you welcomed it. Goosebumps spread on your arms.
A knock teared your thoughts apart. "Excuse the disturbance but Master Sojiro wishes to see you."
You got up and opened the door, the face of the female servant was full of worry.
You arched an eyebrow. "What is it?" You asked while wiping away the rain drops and tears.

Good thing they look just the same.

She shifted on her feet. "May I speak openly?" She asked not looking at you.
"Of course, go ahead." You sniffed away the last bits of sadness.
"I- We have all noticed the joy you have brought to our young masters, this horrible incident not included. As much as we welcome it that master Genji and master Hanzo enjoy themselves, their father does not. Not in this way." She looked down again as if awaiting you to burst out in rage.
"So you mean that Sojiro doesn't like me being close to his sons?"
"Closer than he accepts it. He is a very traditional man." She didn't speak further knowing you would understand.
You nodded, pressing your lips into a straight line.
"Thank you alot for warning me. I think I'll be prepared for the- whatever it's gonna be."
You followed along until you stood in front of the door to the office.
It seemed more like the gate to hell.
One deep breath and then you stepped in.
Sojiro was standing beside the desk, staring into the air thoughtfully.
You knew where Hanzo had his seriousness from.
He eyed you but didn't tell you to sit down.
Nervously and clueless of how to behave you just stood in the middle of the room.
"I know-" he stepped closer to you and looked you deep in the eyes.
The same intense glare like both his sons had.
"You have endured alot of pain and went through a very hard time. I apologize for that you had to make such a horrible experience." A dramatic pause followed.
You nearly wanted to ask if he would continue but you shut your mouth.
"You are a very brave woman, I respect that. But I do not welcome the effect you have on my sons."
He turned his back to you.
"I do not want them to fight over a woman."
You nearly choked on your own surprised breath.
"Fight over me?" You asked caught off guard. This was definitely not what you expected.
You thought he would lecture you about how someone like you couldn't be with the heir of a clan like the Shimada.
"If two men strive for the same woman it will always result in a fight. This is why you will have to leave." He faced you again.
"Leave?" You already knew that you would have to go.
"Now." He said and gestured to the door. "The servants have packed your things by now, a car will take you to our private jet."
"Wait, no I need to say-" The sound of Sojiro's fist hitting the desk thundered through the room. "No! You will go now!"
You didn't dare to say any word. Tears threatened to fall again.
Servants opened the door, they waited for you but you were too shocked to understand.
One of the bodyguards came in and gently dragged you with him.
His hand held your arm while he guided you to the parking lot.
You looked behind you, wanting to go back to Genji and Hanzo.
Why would he not let you say your goodbyes?
"I'm sorry." The bodyguard whispered and kept going.
You wanted to resist but after all they only followed their orders.

The female servant that had told you about Sojiro was helping with the luggage when you had to get into the car. She came over to you.
"Don't worry." She just said and closed the door.

Don't worry? What?

Perplexed you sat in the seat.
You were still not able to comprehend how fast everything just went.
One second you were thinking about how to open yourself up and then you didn't even have time to see them a last time.
With the rain came the tears again. "I'm such a crybaby." You blurted out and cried even more.
The drive was longer than before since this airport was a further away.
You had enough time to think about what you would've said and regretting that you didn't say anything.
But you also knew you would've never had the guts to say it.
To say I love you proved to be even more complicated than all the romance novels made it out to be.
And even if you'd manage to bring up enough courage to say it, who would you tell it.

You had never been in such a situation, not being able to decide who you like more. But you didn't like one more or less than the other.
If you could just decide it you would take both in an instant.
"I'm so selfish." You remembered the night with Genji and the kiss with Hanzo.
You had victoriously seduced both brothers.
Sojiro was right, Genji and Hanzo would never share you. Worst case scenario would be a fight to the death.
Helplessly you held your head and spilled more tears.


Sorry for the short chapter, I'm already half through the next one but I didn't want to keep you waiting

UPDATE: I am incredibly idealess atm, I have a the next chapter but I don't like it at all, so I'll need to rewrite it and that's abit difficult for me since I started an apprenticeship and have to get up very fucking early. So sorry for the delay but you will have to be patient with me for a bit longer

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