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It was a few hours ago that you finally arrived at the Shimada castle.
A castle. Literally a castle, not with knights in shiny armor but bodyguards in black suits. The servants were present though. A few women guided you to your room and offered to fill the bathtub for you. More than happy about this service you accepted and had a relaxing bath.
The water was the perfect temperature when you slipped into the tub. Sweet cherry scent filled the entire room and you let your muscles relax for the first time since you left your home.
You tried to stay calm, you tried to not look as stressed as you were. Your father dealt with alot of illegal stuff, you didn't want to get involved into it too much and neither did your father, so you didn't know what went wrong but something did. Terribly wrong. And now someone blackmailed your father, saying if he didn't do what they wanted they would kill you.
You gulped when remembering your father telling you all this. And telling you that you had to go away, far away and stay there until it's safe to come back.
A knock on the door made you jump.
"Excuse my intrusion but I wanted to ask you if you would like to eat dinner with me." Genji's voice said in a soft and shy manner. It was a little surprising but it did bring a smile to your lips. "Sounds wonderful." You chimed, "Do you want to eat in your room or maybe a restaurant? We can also go to the dining room." He explained with a stressed voice as if not believing you actually agreed.
"I would like to eat here." You heard Genji saying something to himself and then telling you he'd be here with the food in an hour. When it seemed like he left you sighed and sunk back into the water. One hour would be enough to soothe your stress level. Slowly you drifted off and closed your eyes.

Again a knock at the door startled you, this time it woke you up from your nap.
"Your food is here miss. Master Genji is waiting for you." One of the servants explained. "Do you need any assistance?" She asked now. "Ah no no, it's fine. Thank you for the food tell maste- uuh Genji I will be there in two minutes." With a hurry you got out of the tub, nearly slipped while drying yourself off. "Understood." The servant said and you began to dress yourself. You put on the underwear that was neatly folded for you, but then you looked at the clothing the servants had prepared for you.
It looked like a bathrobe to you but it was a traditional japanese piece of clothing. That much you could tell but not how to wear this properly. You had heard wearing a kimono wrong could be an insult to the people.
"Oh no." Your hand rested on your forehead while you tried to figure out how to tie the belt.
"OK one step after another." You said and started wrapping yourself into the robe. First part was easy but the second one was the belt which was very wide and long. With raised eyebrows you held it in front of you.
"Fuck this." You said and walked to the door and knocked. "Genji?" You half screamed through the wood. Footsteps came towards the door. "Yes? What is it? Do you not feel well? I can leave if you want me to." He babbled. "No it's nothing like that, it's ahm-" you paused, covered as much of yourself than possible with the robe and opened the door. Genji took a step back, his eyes widened when he saw you and his cheeks flushed red. He tried to avoid looking at you. "It's ok I'm not naked." You laughed, "I don't know how to properly dress in this... Thing." You said and put on an innocent smile.
Genji cautiously looked at your face without looking anywhere else. "It's a Yukata." He didn't do anything. "Can you help me with the Yukata?" You asked a bit annoyed.

"Uuhm." He wasn't sure of what to do. But when you gave him a helpless look he just nodded with pursed lips.
He began with going past you into the still steamy room and grabbing the belt. You followed him still holding the robe shut to not reveal your underwear. It was a bit weird since it was no big deal for you if he would've seen you in underwear, but apparently it was a very serious matter for Genji.
Maybe he just never saw a woman in underwear before? Asking yourself alot of questions of him. He started wrapping the belt around your waist.
"Raise your arms please." His voice seemed a bit shaky and you giggled at him. You lifted your arms so he could easily put the belt around you.
Genji was behind you now working on the knot. You could feel his surprisingly big hands smoothing out the fabric on your waist. You took in a sharp breath at the sensation. His hands left your waist to tighten the knot.
"It's finished." He uttered and you turned around trying to look at the knot on your back. You couldn't look at his work but you smiled at him and bowed down "Thank you." Genji smiled sheepishly.
"Let's eat now, I'm starving!"

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