Skin On Skin

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Whoever you are, thank you for reading my story to the fifth chapter!

I appreciate it so much if people stick through a story with more than one chapter, I know myself how hard and boring it can be sometimes haha.

If you like my story I would be happy if you recommend it to your friends or whoever you like to, if you leave a lil star that would help me too!

I apologize in advance for any errors and typos. I'm writing on my phone so autocorrect sometimes gets the better of me.

Oh and also, this is a pure smut chapter so if you're not interested in it just skip it as soon as I upload the next chapter.

Anyway, enjoy reading!


Genji lied on your bed beside you, listening to your slow breathing while you slept.
You told him he should stay the night, again. And he was happy to do so, after what he did to the wall it didn't feel welcoming anymore. Some servants were probably working on fixing the damage right now instead of going to sleep. Genji felt sorry for them already. How did they even put up with him and his brothers moods.
Genji kept thinking without falling asleep, his hands hurt and he couldn't get Kumo out of his head. The lady in the tattoo store was not just a former business partner she was also the woman that lied to the Shimada clan and used it's reputation to build up and protect her own business, human trafficking, abducting and forced prostitution.
When Sojiro found out about that he stopped working with her and "officially" (as official as criminals get) distanced himself and the clan from her.
Genji had tried to protect you from Kumo when he rushed out of the store with you.
He sighed, maybe he should've just explained the situation to you but he didn't want to scare you.

Another thirty minutes passed, he still couldn't fall asleep. He shifted from side to side trying to find a position that's comfortable.
His luck didn't get better when you started to drag the blanket away from him having it only for yourself.
He groaned frustrated slightly tugging at the blanket you turned around while making exhausted noises in your sleep. It sounded as if you were fighting someone in your dreams, at least to Genji.
You kept whirling around eventually kicking your knee into Genji's direction.
A squealing noise escaped Genji's throat when your knee hit his lower stomach, he curled up while you just turned around again snoring.
You nearly hit him again with the back of your hand flailing at his face, he dodged it and carefully gripped your shoulders when you were facing into his direction. He fixated you by holding your shoulders like this, but would he be able to sleep like that? At least it helped you calm down, you had stopped whipping around your arms.
Instead you cuddled up into his arms, Genji was so confused. He checked if you were still sleeping.

Eyes closed, nearly drooling. Yes definitely asleep.

He could relax his arms again as you placed your head near his shoulder.
It was peaceful again.
Genji's eyes closed and he listened to the calming rythm of your breathing, he slowly drifted off to sleep when suddenly your hand brushed his crotch by accident and remained close.
Genji's eyes were wide open again, he checked a second time if you were awake or asleep.

How is she still asleep?!

He couldn't help the hot feeling in his loins. Having you so near was enough to mess with his head but your unconscious actions in your sleep were enough to mess with his head and manhood.
He gulped when he felt the uninvited hardness in his boxers.

Not now, please.

He tried his best to compose himself but you shifting and brushing past him again didn't help and only pushed him further.
Genji carefully got out of your cuddle grip which was surprisingly not cuddly at all.
When he was free of your hands he slipped into the bathroom.
He stared down at himself, he wasn't fully hard yet and he was glad, he didn't want you to see him like this especially not while you slept in the same bed with him.
He felt embarrassed but also so aroused by the thought.

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