Twelve- I just want one night

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Zoya sat on the sofa, her head on Aditya's muscular chest. His arm was over her shoulder, his hand linked with hers. She didn't know where this left them, this confession of love had left them both speechless. In two days she was meant to leave and tomorrow her family would return.

Aditya kissed her hair, "Zoya, I think we need to"

"I know" she interrupted, she knew they needed to talk, but she just wanted to be frozen in the moment. She hated herself for her actions, for kissing him back, for telling him she loved him, for allowing him to hold her the day before his fiancee and her older sister returned.

"I'm willing to tell Pooja, if you want me to"

Zoya shook her head "We still would never be able to be together Hooda, she would hate us forever if we tried, if we tell her or we don't, we still can't be together" the truth was truly a bitter pill to swallow

"Why" he leant forward to face her "Why must we sacrifice our happiness"

Zoya stood up "Because that's love Hooda, love is sacrifice"

"So if they love us, won't they sacrifice" he raised his voice

"You're being selfish"

"So" he threw his hands up "So what if I am, I love you, so what if I am being selfish"

"So what, you think you can just break up with Pooja Aapi, then we can have our happily ever after, we will never be happy that way, this is your issue, since childhood all you thought about was yourself, if you had the guts you should have opened up years ago, this is your fault, you allowed Pooja Aapi to think you loved her, you started this, now you want to break more hearts, we are in the wrong here, we have sinned, I can never be happy if they are hurt"

He gripped her arms, pulling her to him "And I can never be happy without you"

"You must learn to be" Zoya shoved Aditya back "I am going to London, you are marrying Pooja Aapi, because I know you, I won't get my hopes up for a happy ending because you will not tell her, if you didn't then, you certainly won't now"

"If you would just give me a chance"

"FINE, BREAK UP WITH HER THEN" Zoya screamed, before turning and running up the stairs, she slammed the door locking it behind her


Zoya traipsed down the stairs in the evening "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have"

Aditya shook his head "I understand, I shouldn't be selfish, I guess if this is our last few moments together, I want to spend it happily with you" he walked towards her, pressing his lips to hers "I love you, I really do"

Zoya let out a sob, wrapping her arms around his waist "I know, that is what makes this so much more difficult"

Aditya tipped her chin up "Sleep with me tonight, please, just sleep, I just want one night where I can have you in my arms"

Zoya nodded, following him to her room, she rushed to the bathroom to get ready as he did the same in his bathroom, when she walked back out he was waiting. She moved to his side and led down, snuggling into him.

This night they would remember forever, as the night where they could have been

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