Six- I believe you can

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For the tomorrows that are not promised. For the days we have that should be lived to the full. This one goes out to you, the you that may be struggling with motivation or hope, you have a special place in my heart, I wish you all the happiness possible, and if I could i'd give all of my happiness to you.

You are strong, you are beautiful and you are not alone, in your prayers today and in your well wishes I ask you to just save a moment for _Dreamy__girL_ , I am virtually sending you strength and love. You beautiful, beautiful human. I personally am not religious, but if there is any God up there, I pray for your days to be filled with happiness.

Thanks for all the lovely messages, you all worry as much as my mum, i'm fine, you were all meant to laugh with me, not be sad! Im out, yay, just waiting for an appointment for a scan:)

Zoya had it all planned out, just ignore Aditya for the remaining six days and everything would be perfect. Or maybe stay with Yash? Her head ached from the lack of sleep, all night she had ran through all of her interactions with Aditya only to get absolutely nowhere

Aditya looked up from the table "Good morning"

She nodded, grabbing a ceral bar and making herself a cup of tea, then sat down beside him.

"What, no talking today"

"I have nothing to say"

"Well that's good then, you can just listen, I am going to make up for all the bad I have done, but it will take time, I didn't mean to mess you around, I was young and honestly I had a crush on you"

Zoya choked "You what" she coughed loudly "You can't just spring that on me" she slapped her chest

He rolled his eyes "I thought it was ovbious, that's why I didn't want you to go to prom with Yash, and that's why I pulled you out of the tree, that groungy neighbour was coming and he would have hit you"

Zoya laughed "Oh yeah, Mr Phillips, he hated me, but I, look okay maybe you had your reasons and none of it was on purpose but I can't get those moments back, and what about now, trying to stop me from seeing Yash, it's my life Hooda, you can't control every aspect of it, you're marrying my sister and you should only be focusing on that"

Aditya went to touch her hand, then pulled away, what was this weird need to touch her all the time? "Let's not talk about Yash, I hate him and nothing will change that, I can't fix the funeral situation, but I can give you a prom, I have a business party, tonight, come with me, it will be atleast kind of similar"

She glanced up at him, over her cup "Really, what will I wear"

Aditya pointed to the sofa "I got you a dress"

Zoya glanced at it then walked over to see it. It was a dark purple, the top had encrusted jewels that shone underneath the light, the bottom slightly spread out "Hooda" she replied a little taken back "It's beautiful, thank you"

"It's the least I could do" he stood up, standing directly behind her, admiring the smile on her face as she lifted up the dress, then turned to face him again, she stood on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek

"Thank you Hooda, so so much"

"No problem Siddiqui" he swallowed the lump in his throat


Aditya looked to his side, Zoya stood exicitedly next to him. It had been a while since he had made her smile, he wished he could do it more often. "So, may I have this dance"

"I believe you can"

He led her to the dancefloor, swaying with her, his cheek resting beside hers. Having her close was like a dream come true, so many years he had dreamt of this moment. But now everything had changed, he was going to marry Pooja. He needed to get over this infatuation. Zoya was never meant to be his, so why did he want her to be?

Zoya couldn't get what he had said to her before out of her head, he had a crush on her. In all honesty throughout all the bullying, she had spent a whole lot of time with him, but it seemed like everyone who got to close to her ended up deserting her. She sighed loudly making him pull back to look at her

"All okay" then his phone buzzed in his pocket "Uh, it's Pooja, just a second"

"Tell her I said hey" Zoya smiled, then turned away, why did this bother her so much? Aditya wasn't hers, he was Pooja's

And the question for the next part of day two- What is one thing you wish to achieve?

I honestly hope to achieve many things, mostly making my grandparents proud, one who is in heaven and one who I live with:)

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