Ten- I can't stay forever

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"Hey, Zoya, i'm so sorry we didnt get to wish you on your birthday, the network was terrible, we went out for dinner and Uncle stayed home, so he was the only person to get through" Pooja pouted "How are you"

Zoya stilled as Aditya sat beside her, waving at the camera. "Good" she coughed

"I hope you're looking after my Zoya" Pooja looked at Aditya

"Of course" he sighed, "You know me, you know I wouldn't not"

Pooja let out a laugh "He adores you really Zo"

Zoya looked up, a smile on her face. She adored him too, but all of that had to be a part of the past now. Something she would never speak aloud about. Only three days were left till they all came home. "I actually wanted to speak to you"

Pooja nodded "Everything okay, you seem stressed"

"I got a job offer"

Pooja clapped "Yay, I knew you'd go far, where is it"

Aditya looked at her, he knew exactly where this was going. Zoya was going to leave, as usual she would sacrifice herself

"It's in London" Zoya gulped "I leave the day after you all get back"

Pooja's eyes flickered to Aditya who wore a very angry expression on his face "But Zo, what about being here, with us, mine and Aditya's wedding and"

Aditya stood up "Don't force her, if she wants to go, let her go, don't we all know Zoya has a mind of her own" he looked down at her "She doesn't care whos heart she is breaking in the meanwhile"

Zoya swiped away a tear "Eventually i'll have to do something for myself, I can't stay forever" she shouted out but he was already gone

Pooja nodded "I understand, I want you to live your dream, i'm not sure why Adi is so angry though, usually he would be happy, guess you guys have made a bond"

Zoya shook her head "No Aapi, no, we really haven't, we just rekindled something" she looked at the open door "Something that had been there for too long"

Day 4 is over! 3 days left, tut tut

The Man I HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora