Two- I'm not allowed out

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"I'm going out, don't wait up" Zoya shouted, running down the stairs she stopped to put her high heels on, only to see two very polished shoes right before her. Ever so slowly she looked up into obsidian eyes and saw an expression on Aditya's face that told her, he was not impressed.

"You're not going out with that Yash boy" he was stood bare chested right infront of her, his very chisseled chest was slightly sweaty from an earlier work out and the veins in his neck slightly more visible in his anger

She stood up "So what if I am" she met his gaze, she would challenge him at every hurdle just as she always did

"Well, you're not going out with him, as Pa said, i'm looking after you" he wasn't going to let her argue with him, especially not on their first night alone

"Jesus Hooda, i'm 24, I don't need you looking after me"

"Maybe if you acted your age and not your damn shoe size, I wouldn't have to, that Yash is no good for you and I won't have him messing you around" Aditya hated the fact that once again he had shown Zoya he cared, in all honesty he wished he didn't, but he couldn't help it

"Aw, Hooda" Zoya placed a hand on her chest "I didn't know you cared about me, you're making me blush, but don't worry there's no need for this act, no one else is here, it's just us, so just let me do me and you do you and this week will end perfectly"

Aditya wrapped an arm around her wrist "It's not an act and you're not allowed out" he gripped her wrist slightly tighter and began to drag her up the stairs

Zoya was flung infront of her door "I'm not allowed out, are you actually telling me, grown woman that I can't go out, you don't own me, now get out of my way" she growled, her forehead creased as she tried to barge past him only to be pushed back into the door "Ouch" she raised her free hand, rubbing her head "Get off of me"

Aditya squeezed her wrist harder in pure frustration then stood back aghast when she winced, a tear dropping down her cheek "Zoya, I didn't mean to"

"Save it Hooda" Zoya cradled her wrist "What more should I expect from you other than cruelty" she opened her bedroom door and slammed it behind her


"Zoya" Aditya rested his forehead against her bedroom door, raising his aching arm to knock again "I said I was sorry, please just open the door"

Zoya yanked the door open, her eyes puffy from all the crying "What do you want, my forgiveness, fine, have it, but leave me alone"

Aditya placed his hand on the door, stopping her from shutting it "Can I please see your arm"

"What, so you can cover it up before Pooja Aapi or Uncle sees, i'm not stupid enough to tell them Hooda, I have no interest in being the telltale here, just leave me alone, you've ruined my night, now go away"

He couldn't believe he was going to do this, but he hated seeing her cry, it was such a rare occurence. He really hadn't meant to hurt her, but she seemed to have a way to wind him up that just set him off "The night is young, if you want to go out, we will"

"What" she spoke "What do you mean we will go out"

He looked down at his watch "We have just over three hours till midnight, get ready and plan something we will do for an hour and a half, i'll plan the other"

Zoya's gaze was full of confusion but she nodded anyway "Okay"

For the next chapter, what is one thing that cheers you up and why?

One thing that cheers me up is Steve Harvey, whenever I am sad, I watch his shows and I always feel a ton better!

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