Nine- I'm sorry Hooda

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Zoya stepped back, her fingers on her lips. "I can't believe you just did that" her eyes were teary "You don't get to just kiss me, then go and marry someone else, you tell me it's hard for you to see me with other men, how do you think I feel seeing you with my own sister, every single day" she turned away quickly "God, I hate you, I really do"

"Zoya" Aditya turned her back to face him "I don't want to marry her, I never did"

"Oh really, so that big speech you made to Uncle about her, that was"

"God damn it, it was about you Zoya, Pa mis-understood me, when I tried to explain Pooja had already heard, are you that blind, it's always been you Siddiqui, always"

"Really" she didn't want to get lostbin momentary emotions, but her heart had warmed because of his words. "Where does this leave us Hooda, Pooja Aapi loves you"

Aditya closed his eyes "I know, but I love you, I don't want her"

Zoya shook her head fast "You'll break her heart, I can't watch that" she stepped back "I'm sorry Hooda, but she's like a mum to me, I love her and this can't happen again"


"No" she looked back up at him, tear stained cheeks "Whatever this is, it's over, Aditya"

He cringed at her formality, the slamming of the door sent a wave of emotion through him. He had left it too late

So thats the end of day 3! I know the parts are short, it's a short story lol! Anyhoo, yeah actually that's all I have to say. You guys are so cute, I literally love reading your comments and messages, makes me feel all warm inside.
Yes I know, I sound like an elderly woman the majority of the time, my friends call me Rehanna nana, it's not hard to work out why

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