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" Life's not some slot machine in an arcade with a sign that flashes up saying 'I'm sorry, you have been killed. Would you like another go?' But we might get put through the same test each time, get faced with the same situations until we've learned how to cope. "

-Peter James

The almost empty and silent bus drove Minseo quietly toward her destination. From the back seat of the bus, she had her eyes everywhere, but her eyes were glued outside.

However, from the corner of her eyes, she noticed that someone had taken a seat in front of her. Minseo started looked around and remarked that they were the only ones on the bus, which intrigued her. As her eyes were pulled by the reflection of his face on the window, her eyes widened.

Jung Hoseok?

The black cap that was covering his head was hiding his most distinguishing trait. 

His red cherry hair. 

His dark orbs were busy on his phone while Minseo observed the man as various thoughts traveled through her mind. But after some time, probably feeling her staring at him, Hoseok slightly turned his head toward her way, giving her his side profile.

The young woman quickly averted her eyes away as she took out her own phone and earphone to play some music. She then closed her eyes and acted as if nothing had happened.

However, what the young woman failed to notice, was the slight smirk that was displayed on the red-haired man's lips.

Suddenly, when Minseo opened her eyes back, the bus was about to leave from the bus stop, she would usually get off.

" Hey, wait. I'm getting off here. "

She could hear the driver groan but stopped the bus anyway. Minseo apologized but noticed something fell off her lap.

" A black leathered jacket? " She grabbed it and looked around her.

Her eyes then fell on the empty seat behind her.

" Huh? He is gone. "

" Miss! Are you getting off or not? " Asked the driver impatiently.

Minseo apologized once more and quickly got off the bus with the black leather jacket in her hand.

She sighed.

" What am I supposed to do with that now? " She held it out. " It... looks like the one he was wearing this morning, right? "

It definitely looked like the leather jacket that Hoseok was wearing earlier, yet why was it on her laps?

Minseo shook her head. There was nothing she could do about it, she thought. She had to wait till Monday, to give it back to the man if it really belonged to him.

A sigh then escaped from her lips as she finally decided to walk back home with the leathered jacket in her hand.

Before she even realized it, she was already standing in front of her apartment building. She stepped to look at her mailbox to check if she had received any letter from her parents, and thankfully, she found one. And as she was about to turn around and take the elevator, Minseo encountered her next-door neighbor, Jeon Jungkook.

" Oh, hey, Minseo. " He greeted her while showing her his beautiful and cute bunny smile.

" Hey, Jungkook. How are you doing? "

" Good, I'm about to take a walk along with Gureum at the park. " He said while looking adorably at his white Maltese dog. " What about you? " He asked back.

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