Chapter 17: When Laina Meets The Wizard

Start from the beginning

"That you ARE a man, just a really girly looking man with slight features." She stuck her tongue out at Laina and burst into a fit of giggles so ferocious that Winnie doubled over and had to come up for gasps of breath between rounds of laughter. Laina noted that every other woman in Htrae thus far, including the Valkyrie, Sky, the young Winnie, and the women of the port, were wearing long dresses.

"No, seriously. What did you say?"

"Seriously," Winnie snorted, but managed to contain herself this time, if only to start moving again and shepherding Laina along, herding her away from the crowd.

"Don't worry, you're girly enough I don't think they believed me. It just sort of confused them more. Would you have preferred I tell her that where you come from there is no such thing as common sense or good taste?" Winnie patted her simple turquoise dress appreciatively. "Women only wear pants here when we are in the middle of a battle. And, when we do, they aren't nearly that tight or ugly."

"Geez kid, you sure are opinionated for an 11-year-old," Laina said begrudgingly, but she was laughing inside. She couldn't help but like her little spirited guide. She was cheeky, but it all came out in a playful tone. Laina allowed herself to be led again toward the docks, but she wished she could dally at the market just a tad longer.

Winnie stopped moving briefly to survey a clothing store.  "At some point we should probably buy you a dress. Do people really think THOSE look good in your world? I mean, I can see your entire butt!"

"Well ... you are short and standing right behind me. I expect you have a better view than most," Laina retorted. She wished she could ground the brat. "But yeah, women on earth wear pants all the time. Jeans are pretty much a fashion staple." Laina ran her hand along the seam of her favourite love-worn jeans and received a disapproving nose wrinkle from Winnie. "And plus, they make it much easier to move and do stuff in," Laina tried to explain to the speculative girl.

"Well, here, people are going to think you're some kind of prostitu– "

"Winnie!" Laina interrupted. But all of a sudden Laina felt awfully self-conscious in her skinny jeans. She had stopped once more and was looking at a clothing store a few doors down. "Maybe I should...?"

"NO! Not now. We have to go faster!" cried Winnie in exasperation. "For ALL THE GODS SAKES. You just got finished saying your pants help you move.  Just not seeing that. Stop getting distracted. We should already have been there fifteen minutes ago!"

Winnie had been trusted with an important job, and Laina knew she was not going to let this foreigner get in the way of her mission's success. This exuberant witch was determined not to disappoint the Wizard or give him a reason to think that one of her two sisters would have been a better option. Laina admired her spunk.

"Okay, okay. I surrender. Take me to your leader," Laina quipped, but the reference was lost on the child from another world. For a moment Laina wished she was dealing with a green alien instead of a stubborn tweenybopper.  

Laina allowed her willful guide to herd her towards the docks and through the marketplace at a brisk pace, expertly losing their audience.  It was very evident that the wee lass had been given this particular task because she was an expert at dodging pushy vendors and sneaking through crowds, despite her mop of hair.

Just as the salty ocean smell and the stench of fish alerted Laina that they were almost at their destination, a particularly pushy old man stepped right into their path. 

"I have a very special offer for you, pretty lady! Beautiful baubles at a discounted price.  A pretty necklace to adorn your elegant throat perhaps?" Laina moved to decline his offer and continued on her path. She yelped as he grabbed her arm forcefully and pulled her behind the dank curtain of his discrete shop. 

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