✔ Chapter 49

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A/N : There is an annoying glitch in the system of Wattpad so if the story doesn't end with '~Mehek' then the chapter you are currently viewing is incomplete

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

A/N : There is an annoying glitch in the system of Wattpad so if the story doesn't end with '~Mehek' then the chapter you are currently viewing is incomplete.

* * *

Xavier falls down, his lean body hitting the ground and I stand there just watching him fall.

My hands fly up to my mouth in disbelief as I see the sword that was dipped in Finis impaled in his back.

"No," I scream and fall to my knees.

I capture his face in my hands, begging him to come back to where I am and not leave me. Not now. Can't afford to lose you too babe.

Come back.

My eyes meet up to Theo's and I get up, not caring about anything around me. My hands fly upto my back and I fall, my fist meeting the ground before my body does and
Left. Cracks appear and Theodore looks scared and he should be because I am not someone who you can mess with. The ground quakes as my tears hit the ground and I scream.

I scream so loud that the air starts gushing faster making the soft breeze a non-forgiving gale. The wind makes my hair blow to the side.

Everyone takes a step and the air blows more harshly making the dust rise up and suddenly a storm appears around Theo, Xavier's limp body and I. My eyes turning the same shade as the night and I break free, finally feeling alive.

I break free off the chains surrounding me and Theodore looks scared. I can feel it but he doesn't show.....


I wake up because of my phone vibrating and thank the Heavens that I what I just dreamt - no what I just saw wasn't real.

Checking my phone fully alarmed, I relax when I see Mr. Bad Boy calling me. Then realization hits me. Why is Xavier calling me at three in the bloody morning?

I pick up the phone unsure of what I'm doing and answer it, "Xavier."

"Katrina," the voice on the other end slurs, "You're beautiful."

"Are you drunk?" I ask because Xavier would have never called me this late at night.

"Yes, but that's not a problem. The problem is - "

"- Where are you?" I ask getting up from my bed and head down stairs.

"Hailee's Bar," he slurs and I wear my shoes taking the keys of my car all at one time. I sit in the car home saying that he needs to hold on just a bit more.

Engraved.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें