Chapter 29

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I break the handcuffs into two.

My hands are free and I am grateful for that. I sit in a room with blue tiles, white ceiling and dark-coloured walls. A metal table is kept right in front of me to which my handcuffs were attached. My hands are dripping with small drops of blood because there were spikes in those handcuffs. Several lights hang from the ceiling which were blinding when I woke up.

Did I forget to mention that I was kidnapped by the CIA.

Yay, me!!!

The breaking of handcuffs causes a stir in the room as the alarm rings and the door opens revealing a boy whose knuckles are draped with blood. He wears a navy blue shirt and jeans. My eyes come up to his face and I immediately recognize him. Big brown eyes. Black curly hair and a set jawline are the only features I need to know so that I can confirm that the boy standing in front of me is Winston.

Not to mention the cuts.

He has got many cuts on his face and my inner demonic self starts smiling little by little because it feels good to know that Xavier did more damage to him than Winston could ever do to Xavier. Memories of what happened between us come flooding into my mind and my inner demon vanishes into thin air surely leaving no traces that she ever was here.

He looks up at my wrists and raises his eyebrows at me. My face remains expressionless not giving anything away and he walks further into the room. I observe each and every moment of his not because I want to, it's because I have to.

No other choice is left for me.

And that's where you're wrong. There's always a choice.

It sounds like something my mother would say.

''Car-'' he says but I interrupt him before he can say the second syllable saying, ''Katrina.''

He looks astonished for a second but nonetheless continues, ''Do you know why you are here, sweetheart?''

''Yes,'' I say rolling my eyes, ''That is exactly why I have been sitting here for the past half an hour when you and I both know, I could have gotten out way before you came in.''

He chuckles at my sarcastic behaviour.

He exits the room leaving the door open and comes back with a few blank papers, a few pens and a tablet in his hand. He looks the door first and stands across from me and drops the papers and pens on the table and gives me the tablet in my hand.

Giving him a confused look I take the tablet from his hand and switch it on. The moment I do he says, ''We need your help in cracking a code.''

''Why?'' I ask. I am pretty sure that there are way better hackers than me and in addition to that I haven't touched any type of hacking device for over six years now. I've sadly lost that touch of mine and probably have forgotten every single thing that was taught to me by my mother about computers.

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