✔ Chapter 13

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For the fifth time today Ashton hits his head on the table groaning.

"I am not understanding this," he says groaing as his head hits the table one more time.

"You need to focus," I say calmly even though inside I am losing my patience.

For gods sake we have been doing chemistry for the past hour and he still hasn't gotten the difference between the sub-atomic particles of an atom.

He doesn't stop until I bang the books on the table getting up and saying, "We'll continue with this tomorrow,"

Ashton looks at me suprisingly and then nods enthusiastically. The only reason I am letting him of the hook is because I have a car race today against some guy called as Axel.

Nathan wished me good luck in the morning for which I earned curious glances from Xavier and Jordan. Ashton was too busy laughing at a joke he made which obviously wasn't even that funny.

But then again what do I know of humor. Probably that it is very rare. Because I know that I couldn't make a person laugh if they were going to die. No, honestly if someone kept my family at a gun point and ordered me to make them laugh then I would probably say bye-bye to my family.

I am a very depressed, melancholy kind of person. One who spends too much time thinking about her feeling but over the past days I have grown to be more carefree and my old self is coming back.

But a little fun can never hurt, right?

"Do you have to be somewhere?" he asks curiously to which I shake my head and ask, "Why do you think so?"

"I know so," he says.

"Huh?" I ask purely shocked and confusion written all over my face.

"I think I have seen you before. Those eyes of yours and a similar face structure," he points out and all the colour from my face drains.

Yesterday I was stupid enough to let Nathan figure out my secret, but that doesn't mean another one can. Before I can reply my phone cuts me off by playing 'Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer'

Don't ask. It's a long story. Ashton muffles his laugh when I simply glare at him. Not bothering to pick up the call, I wave a goodbye to Ashton and thank the lord for saving me and having mercy.

You're secret will eventually come out.

It will, when it has too. Like I said a time and place for everything. I move out of the library and go towards the parking lot.

My head spins and a black light appears in front if my eyes. Stumbling to stand my ground I catch onto something. The black vision disappears and I find no one or nothing that I could hold onto.

Didn't I catch something?

I am sure I did. I am 100% sure that there was something here. Being creeped out by the scenery, I stumble backwards where my back hits something and an involuntary scream leaves my mouth.

"Woah! Calm down, love. It's just me!" a deep voice says. His hand rests my shoulders

Love. Xavier calls me that. Turning around I find my nose hitting his chest failing my nose to turn red. I look up and see him staring at me, his hands still on my shoulders.

My heart is beating out of my chest and when I finally regain my breath I say, "What are you doing here?"

Seriously! Is that the best you like come up with? You're so stupid. So freaking stupid. Wait. Why exactly am I freaking out?

"Waiting for you," he casually says.


He shrugs and doesn't answer my question making me once again frustrated. We begin walking and I realize that I forgot where I parked my car.

"Sh*t!" The word leaves my mouth before I can stop it. Xavier looks at me funnily and raises his eyebrows at me.

"I forgot where I parked," I explain and Xavier nods.

You see the problem with me is I go through a condition called as 'directionally challenged' and 'parking disorder'.

Directionally challenged is when you cannot remember the directions and get lost easily and parking disorder is when you forget where you parked. Both of them are obviously self diagnosed.

"I'll drop you home," he suggest and after I let my eyes roam around the parking lot and don't find my car I nod.

We walk towards his car and once in a while Xavier's hands brushes mine. We sit in his car and drive away.

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It's raining.

The race for today got cancelled because it was raining so heavily. It looked like a thunderstorm was about to come. I didn't mind it, honestly. I like rains.

Those who like summers clearly has never danced in the rain. My dad and I every monsoon season used to dance in the rain with music.

I stare out of the window a single tear threatening to come out. I blink back the tears and as smile appears on my face as I see a familiar figure out in the rain.

I open the door and rush towards the house opposite to us without thinking.

"Hi," I call out and a familiar blue eyed boy looks at me.

He smiles at me causing me to fangirl once again on his amazing dimples.

"Hi," he says breathlessly. Standing over the fence we now come face to face when I decide to ask the question, "What brings you here?"

"I live here, love." he says his smile widening. I contemplate on what he just said and my eyes become wide.

"You should go in, love, you'll catch a cold." he suggest.

"I could say the same for you," I reply back.

"You shouldn't have come out running the moment you saw me, love, go in, now." he scolds me in a playful manner.

I let out a small 'hmm' when I come to know about the new information totally forgetting about both of us getting drenched in water.

And for the millionth time we just stare at each other, both of us looking genuinely happy and for the first time in my life I believe that everything will be alright.

And I break the stare, heading back home.

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A/N : Be prepared for Xavina, lovelies. Next chapter alot of giggling and embarrassing moments. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Until next time



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