✔ Chapter 9

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"Breaking into Disneyland is illegal, Xavier not fun!" I shout on top of my voice arguing with the blue eyed boy sitting in front of me on the couch.

"You need to live a little, love." he replies calmly.

What the hell is wrong with him?

Is he crazy?

We are currently in my house making a bucket list for me because Ashton said and I quote 'Nobody likes a boring girl, Kat'

We came across any ideas like releasing 4 pigs in Walmart with their backs painted with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 and watch the security search for four.

Or go in a expensive restaurant only to create a scene. The most juvenile and absurd idea given for my bucket list is given by Xavier, himself.

Breaking into Disneyland in the night.

For God's sake we could have painted on the wall next to our principals office but no, this idiot right here, wants to break into Disneyland.

And to believe people actually fall for this dimwit.

I internally sigh and give in finally saying a yes while Xavier smirks victoriously when Nathan suggests an idea that probably cause my heart to stop beating.

"Guys, how about we take Katrina to a CRL race one day," he says and my eyes widen.

"Yeah!" Ashton agrees enthusiastically.

"I don't have a problem with that," Jordan says fixing his glasses.

"I am not so sure about that," Xavier says doubtfully. You tell them boy!

"You're just saying that because you like CRL," Nathan argues back making my face loose all its colour.

"I said that she is hot, not that I like her," Xavier defends himself. I think I am going to puke.

I wonder how they might feel after they come to know who CRL is?

Nathan and Xavier keep on arguing when Ashton decides to join in the debate making Jordan chuckle.

Think of something fast, before your cover blows up.

"I think we should add doing graffiti in the principle's office on the list," I suggest cutting their debate short making their efforts of me going to her race drown.

"You're a genius," Nathan says and I flip my hair replying with a simple 'I know.'


I shut the door before I slide down the same door my smile turning into a frown. We managed to make a bucket list but I did not evaluate the real problem over here.

If he is back, then what is going to happen to the thing I started?

It's a thought that is running constantly through my mind making me shake with fear.

Do what you need to do.

But how? I don't know where it is kept better yet I do not know how to use it. One mistake and life will be wiped out permanently. I need to be careful with what I do, and what weapon I choose.

I go upto my room after drinking a glass of water from the kitchen thinking about how different I am. Trapped in two worlds. One created by God and the other created by my head.

Not everyone lives. Not everyone dies. Some of us are just stick in the middle hoping for an end.

Our string of fate hasn't ended yet and I have no idea how long will it take for mankind to completely perish.

I am two different people. The side of me that everybody sees, the side where I am just dumb blonde with hazel eyes and a 'nobody'. The side that is how to people by me. The side of a girl who has the perfect life, but does she?

There's always more to a person than what meets the eye. The second me is so much more different from this me.

She is broken girl haunted by her past, running away from it. She is shattered like the pieces of glass but doesn't want anyone to fix her 'cause if they do then they might just figure out her past.

Until last week nobody knew my name. Until last week I wasn't paid attention to. Until last week I had nothing to worry about but now I do.

Does he know about Xavier. Is he going to hurt him? Is he going to destroy and destruct my life once again so I have to start over again by filling that wound in my heart or is he going to spare me?

It cannot be the latter. It's obvious. He is up to something big and I don't know what.

Whatever comes in my way, it needs to be destructed, destroyed and other synonyms so I can complete the soul purpose of my life.


A/N : Katrina's Maroon eyes above. ^^

Katrina's black eyes. ⏬⬇⤵⏬

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