✔ Chapter 14

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I'm sick. I am sneezing so hard I am afraid my lungs will come out. No seriously, I might just sneeze and there you will find my lungs lying on the ground. I shudder at the thought of my lungs out of my body.

Yet, I somehow managed to escape my house and find my car early in the morning. I am sitting right now in it. I decided to skip school as the pain in my chest is growing minute by minute and second by second.

My head hits the top of the backrest and a sigh escapes my lips. I wipe my nose with a tissue and I am pretty sure that my nose has become red by now.

I was stupid enough to go out in the rain but even dumber to have a whole glass of cold coffee with two scoops of ice-cream in it. Sometimes I feel that I am so stupid, like I go beyond the limits.

A car honks from behind me and I groan out loud. Oh! For Gods sake leave me alone, humans.

I switch on the engine and move my car which was standing in the middle of the road. Moving towards a secluded area, in a dark alleyway I park my car there.

Finally no annoying humans. Freedom, baby!

I switch of the ignition and a cry erupts. Who the eff is crying in such a dark place? I get out of the car and move towards the sound.

This is the part where people scream at you to not go inside the alley.

Your life is like a horror movie. Imagine it that way and don't enter.


My conscience keeps on warning me to turn back but remember what I said of me being incredibly stupid I don't. I keep on going inside leaving my car behind.

I sneeze and I stop. Stop dead in tracks. I hope no one heard me. And I also hope that I know what I am doing. I mean I always do but people make mistakes.

Breathing in and out my breaths slowly become shallow. I come across a dead end and an opening in the right. How the hell did a cry so deep in the alley come at my car which is literally parked outside the lane?

I hear a whimper again. And what I see doesn't shock me the most what does is the face of that person.

A man on his knees. A man with a gun pointed on the the forehead of the other man.

"Please forgive me," the man on his knees pleads but the man standing has no change in his expression what so ever.

Seeing the scene unravel in front of me is definitely something new. The man with the gun in his head is Xavier.

Xavier clicks the trigger and I pray that he doesn't shoot him. Not because I don't like the blood but for a whole new different reason.

He pulls the trigger and a gunshot echos throughout the alley. But I am afraid that it is no the only thing that is echoed.

I fall on the ground sliding my back against the wall behind me, my hands clutching a fistful of my hair. But I can't seem to stop the dreams that catch upto me.

Sometimes your memories can be your sweetest dreams or your worst nightmares.

A sob escapes my lips and I let out a cry totally unaware of the horrid fact that I might be getting watched.

The gunshots continue to echo in my head. A scream followed by tears that don't seem to stop. I need air. My lungs are collapsing and I think I need air. My eyes are fluttering close and like I said the pain is too much for me to bear.

I need to calm down but for some reason it is already being done by a strong pair of arms that are holding me.

"Shhh!" Xavier says,"It's alright, love, calm down. No need to panic, I am right here."

I know he is and I don't want to appear weak in front of him so I try not cry but I fail miserably.

He strokes my hair and that calms me down to a certain extent and I don't know how much I spend like this. How much time I spend crying in his arms?

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1 hour.

60 minutes. 3600 seconds. I cried for an hour in his arms and yet I haven't recovered from the shock. The shock that Xavier had to kill someone.

In front of my eyes.

Yeah! That fact totally doesn't help.

He sits in front of me with his hoodie off, sitting in his black v-neck t-shirt that hugs him tight at his muscles.

Okay! Well. Stop checking him out.

My inner voice scold at me for doing something so ridiculous at a time like this.

"So, you saw me kill someone," he says and I find myself saying, "No sh*t Sherlock. I just witnessed you giving birth, no?"

He's a murderer. Be nice!

He laughs at that and I furrow my eyebrows. What the heck is so funny?

"So... I am a gang leader," he says looking at me dead in the eye.

Those words were the words that changed my life.

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